Leagues and Clubs need to understand and implement a range of protocols to ensure training and playing games is done in a safe, hygienic and well controlled manner.
Here are 4 Practical ways that your club can create a great COVID Safe matchday experience and ensure smoot return to play.
1. Appoint a COVID safety officer - Each club must have at least one representative present at all training and matches who has completed the appropriate training and who can be the key contact point in relation to COVID protocols for your club.
2. Educate your members – Use signage, ground announcements, club newsletters and social media to promote social distancing and hygiene measures. Signage should be provided for QR codes (if applicable) and to advise maximum capacities in certain areas.
3. Make some small changes to match day – For example, ensure everyone has their own water bottle, encourage spectators to maintain 1.5m social distance and limit use of the changerooms to essential staff only.
4. If you are unwell, stay home – if you, or your child is sick or feeling unwell, please stay at home. Safe hygiene practices including washing hands regularly, using hand sanitiser, covering your mouth (with your elbow) when coughing sneezing are the most effective ways to keep your club safe.
Each State / Territory has different requirements which must be adhered to and these are regularly being updated. To stay up-to-date on the latest protocols you should access the return to play section of your AFL State / Territory website
Helpful links
AFL State & Territory Covid Resources - Please visit the links for your State / Territory specific Return to Community Football information.
Local state and territory health departments - Contact details and websites of the local state and territory health departments.
Healthdirect COVID Resources – Sport and Rec - Specific sport and recreation industry updates.