Well it’s been a long time coming, I feel like Dante finally emerging from hell with Judd playing the part of Virgil. Fair dinkum every time I see that bloke in a Carlton jumper I have to pinch myself. When I told my son it looked like we were getting Judd he gave me a smile larger than Luna Park.

So, it’s been a long time coming (it got damn dark down there my lad and I almost lost our way) but now the horizon glows as the dawn greets our weary eyes and things are well and truly on the up (unless you are a Tigers supporter, then the status quo remains the same; in Dante’s language, think of the unending boredom of purgatory). How great it is to start this year with a belter against Richmond. I hate Richmond (I hate a lot of teams, but Richmond, well two words spring to mind – dirty mongrels).

So we come to that first great evening when as one sun sets upon this fair city another, brighter, light shall emerge from the dugout wearing the great jumper for the first time. I’m betting I’ll be hoarse before a ball is bounced! Judd is one of those words that works the vocal chords. JUDD!!!! How loud will that scream be as the bluebagger army lets loose with a roar built up over too many fruitless seasons. The drought will soon be over!

And if I’m this happy - how about Murph and Gibbs and Fev? I wonder when that trio will stop smiling, not ‘til after the 17th, 18th and maybe 19th  is lofted high I’m betting. Imagine spending a summer dreaming of playing along side Judd. Add in the nifty pick up of Hadley, the spice of kids growing into their talent and the sky glows pink – not only a shepherd’s delight but a bluebagger delight as well.

Not that I am getting ahead of myself. I agree with Richard, 8 wins would do me fine this year. The main thing is to repair that horrible percentage (think Shares in freefall and you understand the way our percentage needs to head this year, and let’s hope the shares start moving the other way, I do wish to retire sometime before my eightieth!).

At the end of this year I want to be able to name our backline without hesitation, I want Hampson cemented as our number 1 ruckman (with the Kruise just cruisin’ for a year or two) and I want the football world to finally drop the penny and get Gibbs, Tex and Murph. One last thing I want is either Jake Edwards or Harts to stand up (and preferably both of them). If these things happen then finals will be around the corner.

So to the game and I was pleased to hear Wallace say they have been preparing for this game for 5 months – the way the Tiglets play that won’t be enough time! Yes we’ll miss Tex and Fish and the Hampster but hey, Judd, Carrots, Stevo, Simmo, Murph, Gibbs and Hadley kind of make for a pretty interesting midfield. Add Fev under the pump (and so good for a bag) and this side will belt the Tiggy-touch-woods so hard the Richmond supporters will be filling trailers in Werribee for weeks as presents for their beloved club.

The first half may be close, after all their forward line may test our developing defence but in the end the sheer amount of ball we’ll win around the ground will mean the Tigers will again set themselves for a year where ninth would be a highlight and maybe even a far away pipe dream.

We on the other hand are just getting started. The development of kids like Grigg and Gibbs will mean the poor years of the past will soon start to fade. There may be games where our kids will struggle, but those games will be few and far between this year. With Judd as the helm and Ratts in the shadows, there is no chance this side will let the year slide. We are on the up

Carlton are back, the strut is returning (*I mean its back, but wait ‘til we win a few games!) and with it the mad, glad, bluebagger army who’ll remind the AFL just what they’ve been missing out on  these past few years. I mean if Patrick and Caro and the other mudslinging scribes hate us now just wait ‘til we start to win a few games. They’ll struggle to make it to while the Navy Blue light begins its glorious ascent.

And so to Richmond, here’s a quote, apt for the Tiger cubs about to meet the rising Bluebaggers.

Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric moved:
To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal and eternal I endure.
All hope abandon, ye who enter here.
( the inscription on the gateway to Hell (Inferno, iii. 1–9 from Danet’s Inferno….)

Poor Tigers, to think Kevin thought they were in the box seat. By the end of this game they’ll feel like they’re in the box and who knows, as we rise again, Terry Wallace may find his own sunset is approaching at the speed of Light.

Carlton by plenty.
Fev to bag 7
Snake 4
And Stevo BOG.

Go Blues!

Please Note: the views expressed in the above article are solely the opinion of the author and do not reflect the opinions of the Carlton Football Club or those employees of the Club. The Carlton Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of those supporters who contribute to carltonfc.com.au.