POWER member Nicolas Temby will remember his 28th birthday for a long time.

On Wednesday - just a day before Nicolas’ birthday - Power player Matthew Lobbe delivered the news Nicolas had won a brand new Toyota Rav4, simply for being a Power member and attending more than seven games.

The silver member from Seaton was shocked to learn he’d won first prize in the Pickard Power Loyalty Rewards prize draw.

“Are you serious,” Temby said. “That is awesome.”

Having been unable to meet the repayments on his previous car, Nicolas had it repossessed, and with a young child had been struggling to get around without a car.

The brand new Toyota Rav4 - worth almost $37,000 - has solved that problem.

Congratulations Nicolas and to all our other winners - who you can see here - and thanks to all Power members for your support in 2010. Thanks also to Gordon Pickard for his fantastic support of the Port Adelaide Football Club.