THE AFL is committed to creating a highly inclusive and diverse workforce that is united by our passion to make a positive difference and an ambition to be a game for everyone. Our aspiration is to achieve gender balance across all levels and in all functions of our organisation, ensuring that men and women are equally represented and empowered to contribute their talents and perspectives. 

Following the release of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency results, the AFL is pleased to report a median pay gap of zero for both base salary and total remuneration across the AFL workforce. 

The reportable AFL Workforce includes all casual event staff at Marvel Stadium, all AFL, VFL, AFLW, VFLW and Coates League umpires, all casual game development staff delivering programs across the country, and our permanent AFL team members.  

Each of the 18 AFL Clubs is required to report to WGEA individually and is not included in the AFL Workforce results. 

Although the AFL's reportable median pay gap is zero, the average total remuneration pay gap at the AFL is 3.4 per cent and the AFL is committed to reducing this number. 

The AFL understands there is still more important work to be done both within the organisation and across the AFL industry to achieve true gender equity. 

In 2018 the AFL developed its inaugural Gender Equity Action Plan which significantly increased the presence of women at all levels of the AFL. This document was updated in 2022 to create the AFL Workforce Gender Equity Action Plan (GEAP) which continues to build on those strong foundations.  

Through the ongoing work and actions driven from its GEAPs, the AFL has made strong progress towards achieving gender equity.  

Today the AFL has more women on the AFL Executive than ever before (four) and 46 per cent of its senior leadership positions are now held by women – up from 16 per cent in 2018. 

The AFL has a number of talent programs designed to accelerate women's careers at the AFL, including the GenW Executive Program aimed at CEO and Executive readiness, the Accelerate Program for Senior leader readiness and the Emerging Women's program focussed on developing leadership readiness.  

The AFL has also recently introduced the Women in Football Talent Program to create career pathways for women in a traditionally male dominated area.  

AFL Executive General Manager People, Sarah Fair acknowledged the progress that has been made and recognised there was still work to be done. 

"Since development of our inaugural Gender Equity Action Plan in 2018, we have made strong progress in our journey towards gender equity and remain unwavering in our ongoing commitment to fostering a truly inclusive environment and furthering opportunities for women to have fulfilling careers at the AFL," Ms Fair said. 

"We have genuine organisation wide commitment to pay and gender equity at the AFL and recognise there is more important work to be done. We have great momentum and will continue to listen, learn, take bold action and deliver – to achieve our aspiration and ensure we have a safe, respectful and inclusive team environment for all our people. 

"AFLW has also been instrumental in creating more opportunities for women in our industry – from playing through to leadership positions. We are proud that across the industry we now have 540 AFLW players, making the AFL the largest employer of women athletes in the country.  

"We also have a number of players retiring from AFLW who are now transitioning to leadership roles and senior football roles across the AFL and our clubs."