Dear All

The Brisbane Lions AFC warmly welcomes all feedback from members and supporters on any topic surrounding the club. We take note of every communication and use your opinions to inform our future decisions.

Our 2007 clash Guernsey is no exception and we have reproduced some of your comments below to show the range of views currently being expressed. We genuinely appreciate people taking the time to supply their feedback so we can improve our services to you.


Michael Bowers
Chief Executive Officer
Brisbane Lions AFC

"I would just like to support the lions' decision to wear the clash jumper last weekend. I am a member of the BCG and attended the wet game against Adelaide last year. Even sitting in the middle of the ground, Northern stand, on that night I struggled to see the teams clearly.

Now I'm an Optometrist and have 20/20 vision so I should know something about sight. As the team ran out on Saturday night the ABC radio commentators were surprised with the lions outfit. But any fan who was at the corresponding game last year would understand exactly why the decision was made.

If any criticism is laid it should be on the Crows and the other teams who are not adequately prepared. At least the Lions management have the guts to make a hard decision, even if we don't love the jumper.

Also why would our members and fans want the confusion? In a close game it could mean winning or losing.

Good luck for the season. Keep putting the pressure on the AFL and other clubs to move with the times. We love tradition but sometimes tough calls need to be made." - JD

"I have just read the members release in regards to the 2007 clash guernsey. Firstly, I think it is appalling and not a fitting uniform for a group of men who have been regarded as fearless and relentless in their professional playing abilities on the field.

South Melbourne/Sydney tried for years (many years) to eliminate or reduce the white from their uniforms because it made them look too small, clashed with umpires (not an issue now) and generally looked unappealing to the eye.

An observation from the stand on Saturday night from myself and family members was that there was an excessive amount of our players kicking directly to Crows players standing on their own or in groups.

After discussion we considered that perhaps the players are so used to seeing the dark colours out of the corner of their eye that they naturally and instinctively kicked in that direction. If that is not the case, then perhaps the football department has a lot of work to do in this area to correct this problem.

Hopefully the club will think hard and receive lots of consultation in regards to a new guernsey next year that will restore our image to the fearless and relentless warriors we have come to know.

Just some feedback. Clash guernsey is a good idea, but definitely a different design is the way to go." - DH

"As a Brisbane supporter who rarely gets to see the Lions play live (I live in WA) apart from the irregular television coverage and the once or twice a year visit to Subi by the team, I would like to express my support for the progressive thinking behind wearing the “Clash” strip for the Adelaide game.

I have often asked myself watching other teams play (such as the Bombers and Richmond) where I have had trouble working out who was who on the field, how the players can tell between team-mates and opposition. Good on Luke Power for coming forward and outlining what I am sure is a common problem in tight situations for many players.

Thanks for taking the courageous step and providing the viewing public, fans and players with a way to distinguish the mighty Lions players from those lesser mortals from other teams. Whether dressed in Maroon or White they are still the same players and team and deserve the members support. In years to come when the “Clash” strip is a common feature of games and teams, members will be asking themselves what all the fuss was about back in 2007.

Keep up the progressive thinking and innovation with the way you have managed both the Team and the Club. By the way, I think that the current white “clash” strip is far superior to the previous away strip and think that you have made the best decision with this current one. Go the Lions." - JJ

"I would like to echo the complaints of my fellow members in regard to the use of the clash Guernsey last week. The issue is much deeper than the alienation of the Fitzroy supporters. The core problem is the design of the outfit and the widespread dissatisfaction with that design. Not only does this alienate the Roys but also loses much of the Maroon identification with Queensland and the Bears.

I am a member of quite a few years and sit in the Prime seating in the lower Northern stand. Everyone around me also pays the premium price to support the Lions and I can assure you that this Guernsey is not supported by a soul in that area whereas the last clash design was popular.

May I suggest a subtle modification to this abomination this week? Why not try the regular socks and maroon shorts, at least I will then know it is the Lions and you might appease some of your loyal Victorian members.

I hope this helps quell the revolt and subsequent loss of further income and support." - ST

"I am writing to give feedback on our clash Guernsey. I have no problem with Brisbane wearing an alternate strip. I just think that it should not contain a colour which is not Maroon Blue or Gold.

The yellow top we used to wear was ok. The white one for this year is terrible as white is not one of our colours. Inversing colours is the way to go, not introducing alien colours.

I hope that this will only be used this year and never again. It would be good if we could go back to the yellow one for the remainder of our clash games.

Just thought I would give some feedback. I am a Victorian member so we don’t get to see the traditional jumper in many games if any." - SM

"I fully support the use of the clash jumper, it certainly makes it easier to distinguish between the teams." - NW

"I would just like to voice my discontent with the Brisbane Lions away strip. Whilst I understand the rationale behind an away strip I certainly don’t understand why it has to be predominantly white (including the socks!) with light blue faded into it.

These colours have nothing to do with Maroon Blue and Gold and I think it is an insult to our history and the pride we have accumulated in the Brisbane Lions jersey since 1997. There are certainly far more preferable options to this to avoid clashes that are consistent with our club colours.

I find it quite surprising that there is concerns about jersey clashes particularly for a club like Brisbane whose jersey is significantly different to other clubs however ultimately the players should be consulted on whether it is necessary. Regardless an away strip should only be worn for away games not home games and it was disheartening to see it being worn against Adelaide on the weekend. I have for the record seen many games between Adelaide and Brisbane and have never had a problem with the jerseys clashing.

I am for the record thoroughly enjoying watching the lions play at the moment and wish the team the best for the rest of the season.

I should note whilst not being a current member of the Lions, I have been in the past, I regularly attend games and intend to refresh my membership in the future." - CW

"On behalf of my family I just want to offer my support for the new Lions clash Guernsey. I actually think it looks quite striking and modern while the kids think the player autographs show up really well on the white fabric.

You will never know until you give these things a go so I appreciate the club making an effort during this new era for the team. To be honest though, I probably care much more about the Lions crushing the Pies, Doggies, Port and the Dees here at home than I do about what colour they're wearing when they boot home those winning goals." - MB