All That Jazz will feature the latest gossip and rumours from North Melbourne's training camp in Utah.

Make sure you check back here as this article will be regularly updated with new installments added to the bottom of the list below.

- Aaron Edwards has used some of his time off following season 2010 to add more ink to his body. He now has a full arm sleeve and the majority of his back filled in.

- Donald McDonald has been struggling to come to grips with driving in the US, but not for the obvious reasons...the Chief parked at a chemist in Park City but forgot to put the handbrake on...when the car began to roll down a hill, Daniel Pratt was forced to dive into the front and apply the brake.

- Scott Thompson has been nicknamed 'Dockets Thompson' due to his reluctance to reach into his wallet. also discovered Thompson asked to split the bill at a team dinner to avoid having to pay for more than what he ate.

- Michael Firrito has been tarred with same brush as Scott Thompson. His new nickname 'Receipts Firreets' comes because of his love of money.

- Brad Scott didn't take long to begin playing mid-games on his players during one of the first eight hour hikes. At one stage he announced to the group their trail was 'all flat and down hill from here'...what followed was another hour of ascending landscape and difficult terrain.

- New addition to the team, Steve Saunders (Director of Medical Services and Player Pathways) is doing his best to learn all the players names, but was a little stumped with Nathan Grima. He had a stab but called him Luke and continues to do so for a laugh.

- Donald McDonald has been dubbed 'Bear Grills McDonald' because of his desire to go off the beaten track during hikes. The Chief prefers to trudge through metre deep snow and dense bushland rather than stick to the path.

- Sam Wright and Jack Ziebell's love of movies has cost them dearly in Utah with the pair chalking up a $400 bill after ordering several in room flicks at the famous Stein Erikson Lodge.

- Meanwhile Ed Lower was stung by the phone companies with one 9 minute call back to South Australia costing $130, plus a call that only went to voicemail costing another $16. It's been a bad financial period for Lower; he spilt a glass of water over his laptop and ruined it, lost his phone in Rome in the pre-season at the U2 concert and lost a digital camera.

- Brad Scott had the pleasure of meeting the Utah Jazz's head coach Jerry Sloan prior to the match against the Los Angeles Clippers. Sloan is one of the most successful coaches in the NBA and a Hall of Fame inductee.

- Majak Daw impressed some of his team-mates with an impromptu performance on the coach bus microphone - the young boy from Sudan can 'beat box' with the best of them it seems.

- Despite the high-performance standard that has been set at the camp, rumours are rife that one North Melbourne staff member risked a punishment session by vising a local McDonalds store for a feed.

- Steve Saunders has been nicknamed 'Commodore' by Nathan Grima due to his initials being SS

- Any player who loses a piece of equipment or misplaces team gear is forced to do a punishment session which involves highly intense exercise for a long period at altitude.

- Ben Speight and Ayden Kennedy got off to a bad start on the camp after sleeping in on the first day and missing the planned hike. The pair decided to do their own thing up the mountain but there were fears they had become lost prompting Utah search and rescue to be put on standby.

- All the players have agreed not to shave on camp in support of Movember. They should all have decent moustaches upon return to Melbourne.

- The team first mentality on the camp has filtered through to board level with director Trevor O'Hoy flying in economy class for the first time in 30 years.

- Ben Warren and Lachie Hansen have been challenged to eat a 20-inch pizza and one litre of coke in a single sitting before the end of the camp.

- Brayden Norris posed an interesting question to some bemused teammates at dinner. He wanted to know what would happen if there was a ramp from Utah to Melbourne and you wanted to travel down it on roller-blades - would you just roll all the way or would you need to be pushed?

- Marcus White has been slowed down temporarily with a slight thigh strain.

- Cruize Garlett put his foot in his mouth when he asked some team-mates if the foot long Subway sandwiches were the same size in America as they are in Australia. 

- Donald McDonald is taking a while to adjust to the road rules in America, recently he drove his Mazda for 500 metres on the wrong side of the road until he saw another Mazda coming at him head-on.

- NEW: Majak Daw was talking up his chances of beating teammate Daniel Pratt in a wrestle after Yoga.

The shirts came off and a circle formed with Daw getting the upper hand and crowned the winner.

Pratt wasn't happy with the ruling, immediately requesting a re-match and a new referee.

- NEW: Michael Firrito had an intruder in his room and as a result, is missing his runners and footy boots. It made for an interesting day at training with only his hiking boots available. Firrito has pointed the finger at Matty Campbell.

- NEW: Pete Mulkearns had a brush with the law driving the team van to the playing fields for training. A state trooper stopped him in his tracks and demanded to see his licence and registration...Mulkearns could only provide one, it turns out the van was unregistered.

- NEW: Brad Scott was enjoying participating in training until he suffered a calf injury.