THEMUSCLED-UP Western Bulldogs have hardened their resolve as well as their bodiesas they step up preparations for the 2008 season.

Determinedto avoid another late season fade-out such as the one which saw them finish13th on the ladder in 2007, the Bulldogs have piled on an average of 3.5-4kg inthe off-season and upped their fitness base.

Watchingthe squad complete a 3.2km time-trial on Monday around Princes Park, won by DanielCross, coach Rodney Eade said he had been pleased with their work-rate afterthey resumed training last year two weeks earlier than initially plannedfollowing consultation with the players.

"Ithink we identified that we need to ramp up our fitness," he said.

"Lastpre-season was a little bit different, we also had seven or eight guys whodidn't do much before Christmas last year and obviously that's hurt us at theend.

"Ithink if we get a big fitness base it's going to help us."

Hesaid that while all of the players had stepped up, midfielder Mitch Hahn andforward Robert Murphy, who have both battled back from knee reconstructions inrecent years, were leading the charge.

Whilea few players sat out Monday's session due to illness, only Daniel Giansiracusaand Wayde Skipper have long-term injuries.

MidfielderGiansiracusa saw a surgeon about his knee last week and will be able to walkthis week while ruckman Skipper (broken foot) can start jogging on Friday.

Evenmore than their fitness, Eade said he had been impressed by his players'improved attitude.

"Icertainly noticed that from day one when we got back," he said.

"There'sa fairly strong resolve, all of us have taken a fair bit of responsibility andthe players have as well; they want to make up for what happened.

"Therehave been comparisons between the Bulldogs and Geelong, with the latterrebounding from a 10th-placed finish in 2006 to claim the flag last year.

HoweverEade was reluctant to put his young side in the same position.

"Peoplehave compared us to Geelong but Geelong, previously to 2006, had made finalsthree out of five years so they had a fairly strong lineage but we've only beenin the finals once in six of seven years," he said.

"Ithink it's probably more that the competition is that even that three out ofthe top four teams didn't make the finals the previous year.

"Teamsjust need a bit of luck with injuries but certainly if you get your form up andyour confidence going you can do well."