Education Minister Bronwyn Pike today officially opened The Huddle - a unique community learning centre that forms part of North Melbourne Football Club’s new Arden Street complex.

Ms Pike was joined by North Melbourne AFL stars, including captain Drew Petrie, and coach Brad Scott on a tour of the new facilities.

Ms Pike said it was great to celebrate the opportunities that The Huddle will provide students.

“There’s no better time to highlight the rich and diverse learning opportunities available to students at Victorian schools than during Education Week,” Ms Pike said.

“The educational programs on offer at The Huddle will benefit students and broaden their knowledge in a range of subjects.

“Education remains the Brumby Labor Government’s top priority - that’s why we’re building for the future with exciting projects such as The Huddle.

“It’s great to be joined by some of the stars of the Kangaroos at the official opening.”

Ms Pike said thousands of students in years 3-9 will visit The Huddle during the year for half-day, full-day and two-day programs.

“Students will take sport and healthy eating lessons and will learn about community, multiculturalism and sustainable living,” she said.

“The North Melbourne Football Club has always been a proud and active member of the local community, and should be congratulated for taking action to empower students to live responsibly and make healthy choices.”

“The club’s commitment to Victoria’s multicultural community is going to make a real difference to the lives of Victorians from many different backgrounds.”

The Huddle will host community education programs, including some designed for migrants, and homework clubs for senior school students.

Premier John Brumby opened the $15 million redevelopment of Arden Street - the spiritual home of North Melbourne Football Club - in March.