Can’t make it to AAMI Stadium to see the Hawks take on the Crows in Round 12? Why not join other passionate Hawthorn supporters at the London Tavern to watch the match on the big screen.

Women at Hawthorn are welcoming all supporters as well as WAH members - women and men alike, to join in their support of the mighty Hawks!

Venue   London Tavern Hotel
               238 Lennox St
               (Melway ref 2G J8)

Date       Saturday 14 June

     6.30pm (for 7.10pm match start)

     $10 per person

Ticket prices include a drink on arrival (beer, wine or softdrink), finger food throughout the night and entry into the door prize. What great value!

To be a part of it, contact the Hawthorn events team on 03 9535 3069 or email