It emerged on Thursday evening that the AFL will trial such an innovation during one round of this year's home and away series.
The news that names on the backs of jumpers will be trialled triggered plenty of passionate reactions on social media.
Players seem to largely favour the concept, while supporters seemed split down the middle when it came to the question of whether names should be a permanent fixture on guernseys.
Names on the back of the jumpers �� #peoplewillknowmyname
— Matt Suckling (@matthewsuckling) January 30, 2014
I'd love to represent my family by wearing my name on my jumper
— Cameron Guthrie (@CamGu3) January 30, 2014
Names on the back of our Jumpers sounds like a great idea���� @AFL
— Brent Moloney (@Beamnation3) January 31, 2014
Great call by the AFL to throw your family name on the back of jumpers.. Nice touch, represent your club and your family
— Tom Rockliff (@rockwiz38) January 31, 2014
For part of this season, players will have names on the back of their guernseys: Do you like the idea?
— AFL (@AFL) January 30, 2014
@AFL No. Ruining the game. Leave it as it is please #lessismore
— Josh Stevens (@joshstevensss) January 30, 2014
@valshopaholic @AFL No, I don't like it. Know your numbers!
— Conrad HenleyCalvert (@conradhc) January 30, 2014
@TheHolyBoot Nothing stopping the @AFL selling jumpers with players names on them but so not necessary for players to wear in games.
— Fiona (@PuttyMcK) January 30, 2014
Names on players guernseys? I guess @afl wants them tipping buckets of Gatorade over the coach as well.
— geremy (@smili72) January 30, 2014
@AFL Trialling players names on the back of jumpers, rounds 3-6... This is a very very good thing.
— Jordan (@Jordan5ive) January 30, 2014
#abouttime RT @AFL: Players will have names on the back of their guernseys this season:
— Kristian Ward (@insidefive) January 30, 2014
I think the @AFL putting names on the players jersey is a brilliant idea & long overdue. Better to pick out the draftees & young debutants.
— Michael O'Keefe (@mjokeefe13) January 30, 2014
Stop changing the AFL! No need for names on back of jumpers keep it how it is.. Where different to the rest of the world! @FOXFOOTY @AFL
— David Hussey (@hussey8) January 30, 2014
@AFL No. Nice point of difference to other sports, symbolic of team first, tribe mentality of the game.
— Andrew John Egan (@AndrewJohnEgan) January 30, 2014
@AFL great idea, great money spinner for the teams, kids will love having their favourite players names on the back of their jerseys #winner
— White Chöcölate (@WhiteChocs) January 30, 2014
@AFL as long as it never gets to the stage where we have nicknames!
— Sean O'Kane (@Sean_01) January 30, 2014
@AFL I am fully against player's names on guernseys. One of the lasting traditions in our game should be preserved. Not happy
— henri griffiths (@bosscabin) January 30, 2014
@AFL it'll take getting used to but no objections to having the name too. Will help newer people to the game learn the players quicker.
— Nathan G. (@C4nuck17) January 30, 2014