With Year 12 out of the way and his rehabilitation from a knee injury coming along, Campbell Heath can’t wait for a fresh start in 2010.

The young Swan’s first year at the Club got off to the worst possible start when he suffered a serious knee injury that required a full reconstruction in March.

Although Heath’s school commitments in Victoria meant he was highly unlikely to play senior football, he said it still came as a blow when he was ruled out for the year.

“Doing the knee was a bit of a shock, to be honest. I hadn’t had a major injury before so it was a big shock,” he said.

“It helped me focus on my studies because I didn’t have to fit in training and all that sort of stuff, but I still did a lot of weights and rehab, which kept me busy. It was good to concentrate on school for a bit, though.”

Like his fellow 2008 draftee Dan Hannebery, Heath flew to Sydney during each school holidays to spend some time at the Club.

“It was good to get some off-leg training done and get some fitness back. And it was just great to feel part of it, to be amongst the boys,” he said.

The tall running defender, who was the second-youngest player drafted in 2008, said it was exciting to see his good mate Hannebery earn a senior debut in the second half of the season.

“It was good to watch some of the young guys play some footy,” he said.

“Dan and I are close mates, so it was good to watch him run around on TV.”

Almost nine months on from his operation, Heath has finally moved up to Sydney to join his teammates as a full-time footballer after finishing his studies.

Now, the hard work really starts for the eighteen-year-old as he attempts to get his knee right to play again.

“I’ve had a few setbacks when it’s been a bit tight behind the knee and it’s still letting me down with kicking a little bit,” he said.

“I can’t really kick through the ball as yet but I’m working on that.

“Hopefully I’ll get my knee right and get into full training after Christmas. Then I’ve got to get fit and we’ll see how I go.”

Did you miss it? Trent Dennis-Lane talks about his arrival at the Swans.