As an employee in the automotive industry and an impassioned Carlton supporter to boot, it’s of no real surprise that Tanya Thomason gets around in a car carrying “Juddy 5” numberplates.

The navy Blue plates upon which the nickname and guernsey number of the club’s prized recruit are inscribed, found their way into Tanya’s possession as a welcome, if somewhat premature Christmas present back in October.

“Dad got them for me for Christmas the day ‘Juddy’ signed with Carlton,” Tanya explains.

“I got home from work that day and Dad said that he had snapped up the plates. As soon as the trade with Josh Kennedy came through he took the gamble on the number 5 because Juddy always wore a low number.

“The plates arrived a week later and I was absolutely rapt.”

Tanya’s father’s inspired decision to acquire the plates set him back around $395, but who knows what they’d be worth now?  Says Tanya: “If somebody offered me a massive amount I’d probably sell, but I reckon I’ll hang on to them forever”.

Tanya, just shy of her 25th birthday, is a truly dedicated Blues fan, the single woman from Craigieburn having not missed a Carlton game in Victoria since she was a five year-old.

“I’ve been a Carlton supporter all my life and I have my father to thank for that,” she says. “In fact, the family’s support for Carlton goes back generations, to the days when they used to sit on the hill to watch games.”

Tanya posed proudly with the plates, which grace her two-door sedan – a ’95 model of course! Though she doubts that she’ll ever play chauffeur to C.Judd, she has already exchanged pleasantries with the great man.

“I met Chris Judd at a recent function for the Women Of Carlton, of which I’m a member,” she says.

“He’s a lovely guy, quite humorous, but the poor bloke was mobbed. I was too shy to jump in a photo with him, but I did shake his hand.”