Collingwood is famous for its black and white stripes, but with the AFL’s Green Round upon us, the Magpies are also clearly very ‘green’.

Collingwood is determined to take a leadership position in the Victorian community and business sector in promoting environmental innovation and awareness of the effects of climate change.
The club has identified a number of initiatives and is committed to beginning the journey towards carbon neutrality through improving energy efficiency across all club activities and by purchasing offset credits where emissions are unavoidable.

This year, Collingwood has launched the Green Magpies, a unique new program developed in partnership with Carbon Down, a joint initiative of the Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) and Sustainability Victoria.

The Green Magpies is a new, unique and free business program designed for small to medium sized businesses in Victoria.  The program has been established to encourage and help businesses to understand how they can reduce their environmental impact and save money in the process.

Collingwood is also an official partner of the Victorian Government’s Department of Sustainability and Environment Black Balloons Program.

CFC has also established a formal relationship with CO2 Australia, the largest provider of dedicated carbon sink plantings in Australia.

Collingwood, in partnership with Origin Energy, launched the AFL Origin Energy Green Program in 20007 and since that time has worked with Origin and the CO2 group to reduce the club’s carbon footprint.

The club has committed to  

  • Undertake independent Greenhouse Gas emissions audits. In 2008 the audit found that each year Collingwood emits 1,997.8 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  • Reduce the impact of Greenhouse Gas emissions from the audited club’s operations to zero, offsetting greenhouse gas emissions (produced through team activities that involve gas and electricity use, as well as road and interstate air travel) and ensuring the club has significantly reduced its impact on the environment. 
  • Purchase Government accredited Green Power from Origin Energy.
  • Promoting the uptake of green energy in the community and encouraging our members and supporters to do the same and become more energy efficient.
  • Identify ambassadors to promote climate change awareness and the easy ways we can all make a difference. We are delighted that former Collingwood defender Shane Wakelin, an Al Gore Ambassador, continues to work with the club in raising awareness of environmental issues in 2009 as our Green Ambassador.
Visit to find out how you can make a difference.