“Run to the G” 8 week Training Program
Sunday 18, June 2006
Proudly supported by Musashi

Over the next eight weeks, MELBOURNEfc will present an eight week training program in preparation for the 10km “Run to the G” on Sunday 18, June. The program has been designed by our Physical Preparation Manager Glenn Turner and the experienced staff at Musashi, the official supplier of Sport Supplements to MELBOURNEfc. The program includes a detailed training schedule as well as a Musashi supplement program which is an integral part of the training program.

When completing this 8 week program ideally it would be nice to have a base running fitness of approximately 15-25kms per week of steady state running. Given the pace that elite 10km runners do today an important part of your training for a good result is to do some interval running at speed. This program is aimed at the intensity side of your preparation while maintaining your aerobic base. Important notes for the 8 week program are:

• If you have no running base before starting this programme keep Mondays session to a 5 – 8km steady pace run
• Make sure your diet is adequate to cover this type of training/racing and if need be see a nutritionist if possible.
• Integration of Musashi products is a critical part of the success of this programme
• Try to keep running where possible on forgiving flat surfaces where possible
• Knowing your body can go the distance, or at least close to the 10km
• Training with some intensity – to allow anaerobic energy systems to be utilised to deal with hills, nervousness/anxiety
• Having a proper warm up prior to competition and intense training sessions
• Remembering to stretch post exercise the following muscle specific to distance running – Calves, Quads, Hamstrings, Adductors, Hip Flexors and Glutes.

Week 1 – Monday 24th April – Sunday 30th April


Training Program
5km steady run followed by a cool down and stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)
Before Training – Energy Formula (1 tsp)
During Training – Electrolyte Replacement Formula (2 scoops per litre)
After Training – Recovery Formula (1 tsp)

Training Program
Rest & Stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)

Training program
3 x 1km run @ 90% with 3 minute rests between reps
Cool down and stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)
Before Training – Energy Formula (1 tsp)
During Training – Electrolyte Replacement Formula (2 scoops per litre)
After Training – Recovery Formula (1 tsp)

Training Program
Rest & Stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)

Training program
30 minute run @ 1 minute hard and 1 minute easy Cool down and stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)
Before Training – Energy Formula (1 tsp)
During Training – Electrolyte Replacement Formula (2 scoops per litre)
After Training – Recovery Formula (1 tsp)

Training Program
5km steady run followed by a cool down and stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)
Before Training – Energy Formula (1 tsp)
During Training – Electrolyte Replacement Formula (2 scoops per litre)
After Training – Recovery Formula (1 tsp)

Training Program
Rest & Stretch

Musashi Supplement Program
Breakfast – P40 Protein Powder (4 scoops per 500ml)