The following marketing resource kit has been designed to assist you - local football clubs - with the promotion of your planned events taking place during Community Football Weekend.

30 second radio advertisements

This generic radio ad can be supplied to your local radio station. It is advised that you work with your local radio station to add some club specific information e.g. your local radio station records additional voiceover detailing your club’s event information.

Download 2x MP3 radio advertisements here (.zip - 2 MB)

Press advertising templates

This generic press advertising template can be supplied to your local newspaper.

Simply, supply the template (landscape & portrait sizes available), along with your event information to your local newspaper who can complete the advertisement.

Download 2x PDF press advertisements here (.zip - 518 KB)

Game record template

This generic game record advertisement has been designed with the intention to be inserted into local game records in the lead-up to your club’s event.

Simply, download the template, insert your club’s event information and place in your game record.

Download 2x JPG record advertisements here (.zip - 969 KB)