Hawthorn captain Sam Mitchell has announced his engagement to long standing partner Lyndall Degenhardt.

The Hawks skipper proposed to Lyndall whist taking a break during the split round at 'Wilsons Prom', in coastal south eastern Victoria. 

Mitchell proposed close to the water at the world famous Wilsons Promontory National Park.

“She was jumping up and down like a little kid, we were standing on the rocks on the side of the water and I was a little worried that she was going to fall in,” said Mitchell.

“I was a little nervous – I had been planning it for a while. She usually knows when I am up to something so I am pretty happy that I managed to keep quiet.”

The Hawthorn captain shared the news with his teammates and close friends before speaking to hawthornfc.com.au. Mitchell reflected that it has just added that little bit extra to what has already been a great year for the Hawks star, since being named club captain and leading the side to a solid start to its 2008 campaign.

“It’s one of the Clubs that a lot of young kids say they would like to get drafted to. There is a lot of good stuff going on here at Hawthorn - great people and great support - it is genuinely the ‘family club.’”

No date has yet been set for the wedding, however, the couple are believed to be looking at October 2009.