DR ALLEN Aylett’s prominent position in Australian football history, as both a player and administrator, made him a natural choice when the AFL sought to name the medal awarded to the best player in the Australian Football Hall of Fame Tribute Match.

Over a career spanning 13 years he played 220 games for North Melbourne and represented Victoria 15 times before going on to be president of the club and ultimately the VFL during a pivotal period in the competition’s history.

Dr Aylett, who said he was “absolutely thrilled” by the honour, will be on hand to present the medal to the best player on the ground in the May 10 match to be played between Victoria and the Dream Team made up of players from the rest of the country.

“In my mind it has been something that has been lacking in recent years,” Dr Aylett says of the return of representative football.

“The fact that we have been able to get the 16 clubs to support it, and the players in particular, to support it is great.

“And well they should because they’re not going to get this opportunity many times again, if ever, and it’s just one of those things that they can slot in their record books for the rest of their lives.

“It will be just a ripper of a game.”

So who is he most looking forward to seeing out on the MCG?

“Where do you start?” he replies.

“You might be able to pick one or two like Chris Judd or Brent Harvey, but where do you go from there?

“They’re all such fantastic athletes these days, very, very skilled and we’ll get to see the top 50 of them.”

The match will follow the 2008 Hall of Fame induction ceremony that will take place on the preceding Thursday and Dr Aylett said it would be the perfect chance for younger football fans to see several future Hall of Fame members in action.

“I think the biggest thing that comes out of it is the opportunity for families throughout Victoria and interstate to book their tickets to allow the younger generation to be in a position to be able to see a game like this,” he says.

“It’s something very, very special.

“The conditions here now at the Melbourne Cricket Ground are absolutely fantastic and suit the family environment and I encourage all parents to give their kids the opportunity to see the 50 best footballers in action.”

To get your tickets for the AFL Hall of Fame Tribute match, click here.