As part of the AFL Multicultural Program, the Tigers in Community Foundation and the Richmond Football Club an Auskick Centre has been established at Punt Road Oval. The Center known as 3 Towers Auskick Centre is unique in the fact that it aims to target underprivileged youth, who live in the North Richmond, Fitzroy and Collingwood Public Housing Estates.  

The majority of the participants come from CALD backgrounds. The purpose of the Auskick centre is to offer children who do not have the opportunity, or capacity, to become involved in Australian football. The children are able to learn the skills of the game in a well structured and safe environment. The majority of the children have had very little exposure to football or any organised sport. 

The program is currently in its second season and is continuing its great success. In 2007 the centre attracted approximately 80 children aged from 5 to 12. We are currently on track to have even a greater number participate in 2008.

In order to gain more community involvement the centre this year will incorporate not only the use of Richmond Football Clubs training facility Punt Road Oval, but will also hold sessions on each of the estates to encourage greater participation and a bigger connection with adult residents.

The program has had great community support with volunteers coming from  many different organizations, including; AFL Victoria, Victoria Police, Neighborhood Renewal, City of Yarra, Jesuit Social Services, Xavier College and Melbourne Grammar.

AFL Multicultural Project Coordinator Nick Hatzoglou said the combined resources of all these organizations is creating a wonderful opportunity for young people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities to get involved in the popular Australian Sport. Our Multicultural Development Officer Peter Romaniw is doing an outstanding job in mobilizing everyone’s good intentions and the results are outstanding.