Luke Ball this week informed the Club of his intentions to step aside as a captain for the 2008 season, opting to focus on returning to peak physical condition and playing his trademark explosive style.

“This was a tough decision for me after two fantastic years in the co-captaincy position. My fitness levels and the quality of my game are paramount to ensure I can add maximum value to the team.”

“I’m going to concentrate on getting my body right and re-establishing myself as a valued member of the Saints midfield. I’ve been training well and I definitely feel like I’m on track - I’m certainly looking forward to the Saints having a big year on the field and still playing a significant leadership role” said Luke.

Players voted on the leadership team while in Ballarat on Tuesday and the results are expected to be collated and announced in the coming weeks. In the meantime, there is no change to the existing captaincy structure.

Click here to see an interview with Luke Ball (link through to Big Pond content)

Click here to download an audio file of the Luke Ball interview (zip).