Facebook fan page
In early June the club launched its official Facebook fan page which allows fans to receive the latest news via their Facebook account. It also allows supporters to respond to club news and have their say about what they like and dislike. It’s about building a presence on the biggest social networking media platform in the world. There are currently just under 10,000 Magpie fans but the army is growing.
Be a fly on the wall inside your club and find out what’s happening on a daily basis. Since the launch of twitter.com/Collingwood_FC the response by supporters has been extremely positive. Never before has the club had this kind of direct contact with its supporters and members.
While the supporter might not be able to attend every match or get to the club to watch training, through the club’s Twitter account, they now have the opportunity to experience what it’s like at the club on a daily basis. Check out pictures of the team singing the song directly after a win, receive up-to-the-minute news on any late changes before a game, find out which Magpie player is fronting the media for a weekly press conference, etc, etc. There are now over 2,000 followers of the account and it’s only getting bigger.
PieSpace mobile
Want to receive the latest news, scores and game day statistics straight to your mobile phone? Don’t have an iPhone? It doesn’t matter! The club’s new PieSpace mobile application allows users who don’t have an iPhone, to view live player stats, latest club news, team selection when it’s released, matchday competitions and so much more. Text ‘pies’ to 0419 262 646 to download PieSpace.
Live chat
Over 2,000 supporters logged on live to follow the live chat covering the announcement of the club’s new five-year coaching plan involving Collingwood champion Nathan Buckley. There were even Magpie supporters trekking through the mountains of Vietnam following all of the action LIVE!
Let us know what you think of these new initiatives and if you want to suggest anything else send a message through twitter, facebook or email the communications department at ctv@collingwoodfc.com.au.