Future Collingwood coach Nathan Buckley has devised a high-pressure kicking examination, following demand by recruiters who wanted more information on players' ability to kick accurately on both sides of the body.
Players will have six targets to aim for at various lengths ranging from 20m to 40m and on either side of a field. They will have only one shot at each target, and won't be told which target to aim for until they receive the ball.
Scores ranging from excellent to poor will be given for speed, accuracy, ball spin and trajectory.
The 2009 NAB AFL Draft Camp will be held at the AIS in Canberra between Wednesday September 30 and Friday October 2.
How the test works
Each player has six kicks to six different targets.
Targets are randomly called as they receive the football.
The calls are:
- 'short left' or 'short right' (20m)
- 'middle left' or 'middle right' (30m)
- 'long left' or 'long right'(40m)
Kicks will be rated as follows:
- 5 points – excellent
Target didn’t move and ball travelled quickly with low trajectory and perfect spin - 4 points – very good
Target receives within one step off the cone, low trajectory and good spin - 3 points – effective
Target receives with a foot inside circle, good trajectory and spin - 2 – ineffective
Target had to leave circle to mark ball, good trajectory and spin - 1 – poor
Target unable to mark football, poor trajectory and spin
Players will wear football boots and their kicks will be taped from two angles and made available for clubs to assess.
The new NAB AFL Draft Camp kicking test