We spend a few minutes with the dashing Irish defender.

What’s your all-time favourite movie?

Tadhg Kennelly: It'd have to be one of the Rocky movies. Rocky IV was a big one when I was a kid. Growing up, it used to get me fired up before footy matches – I watched a lot of Rocky IV. I haven't seen the new one yet, but I'm going to have to go and get that.

Do you get any look-alikes?

Colin Farrell but that's probably because I speak the same. I don't think I look like him. But he's a bit of a stud, so I'll take that!

Did you watch any AFL growing up? What sporting match stands out in your mind from your childhood?

Well, I didn't know what AFL was until I was 18. In Gaelic football, my old man won the grand final in '79 which was played between Kerry and Dublin, so that's one that stands out. But, with AFL, I haven't watched a lot of older stuff. I've seen a lot of games since I've been out here, obviously, but not too much of the older stuff.

What music are you listening to at the moment?

Good Irish music, actually. There's this folk singer, Christy Moore. I've just had it in the CD player on the way to training. I had a friend buy it for me down in Melbourne, so I'm listening to that.

Are you trying to convert any of the boys to Christy Moore?

No, I haven't brought it into the gym yet but that's the plan. I'll gradually put it on the CD player here and there.

How do you think that will go down?

I don't think it'll go down too well. Well, it's better than Barbie Girl! I remember a couple of years ago Daryn Cresswell used to get Barbie Girl going, so it's a bit better than that!

What about Roosy? How do you know when he isn't happy?

When he's over the top with his sarcasm, you know he's not too happy. And when he's rushing. He's a very calm bloke, so when he's a bit jumpy or he's running down to speak to us, then you know there's something up.

On your days off, what do you enjoy doing?

Nothing is better than a nice, relaxing massage. Or sitting on the couch watching TV. But I haven't got a whole lot of time, to tell you the truth. I'm doing a degree as well, so that takes up a bit of time.

What are you studying?

An arts degree at the University of NSW, with a major in history and sociology. I'm just finishing it, thank god. It's been going for years part-time.

When you retire, what do you hope to do?

Well, the plan is to move back to Ireland, but you never know. I was in the coach’s box earlier this year and I really enjoyed that, so maybe that's an avenue I could go down.

The person most responsible for helping you reach where you are today?

My parents, definitely. Obviously my parents and my old man were a big influence. Since I've been out here, probably George Stone, who took me under his wing for the first two years and taught me how to kick the football, taught me the rules and everything that goes with AFL.

If you could be anything in the world, what do you think you'd like to be?

I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing, to be honest. Well I'd be involved with sports, but I love kids and I love helping them out. I guess I'd like to show them the right way, so I'd definitely be involved teaching kids in some way or another and helping them improve.