On a recent AFL Victoria Junior Club visit, St Kilda International rookie Tommy Walsh spotted a promising up and coming footballer that was a little different to the rest of the pack out on the oval that day.
Jaymee Bartlett, aged just 13, is a keen footballer playing for the Pines Junior Football Club in the Under 15’s Frankston and District Junior Football League (FDJFL) competition. But there’s just one difference - she’s a girl.
Bartlett’s passion for footy is a great story, with her parents and the Club seeking special approval for their daughter to be able to continue playing the game she loves in a male dominated competition.
With Round 12 being Women’s Week, saints.com.au went down to training at the Pines Junior Football Club to catch up with Jaymee and have a quick chat about her footy.
Having tried her hand at numerous different sports, Jaymee said footy is the clear favourite.
“I was into basketball, netball, swimming, horse riding and athletics but footy’s my favourite.”
“I’ve always been around footy and it’s a big part of our family and life.”
Standing at nearly 180cm, Jaymee has played a variety of different positions for her side and has no trouble matching it with the boys on game day.
“I sometimes play in the ruck, full forward, forward pocket and I’ve also played on the wing before.”
“I’ve got an older brother who is 17, so I’m not scared to take on the boys, he’s toughened me up and I’m taller than a lot of the other guys in my team,” said Bartlett.
The Pines Junior Football Club, which Jaymee plays for is located just 500 meters from St Kilda’s new Linen House Centre facility at Frankston, and was former St Kilda player and current Board member Nathan Burke’s junior Club.
Despite supporting Collingwood, Jaymee Bartlett gratefully accepted a 2011 Nab Cup guernsey from the St Kilda Football Club to reward her involvement and passion for the game.
At this stage Jaymee Bartlett is enjoying her footy and plans to keep playing the game.