AFL Grand Final Goal by Goal

Q1: 1:07 Lynch marks and goals (5m) Coll: 0.0 Bris: 1.0 Bris by 6
Q1: 9:02 Woewodin marks and goals (45m) Coll: 1.0 Bris: 1.1 Bris by 1
Q1: 10:45 Bradshaw goals after a mark (30m) Coll: 1.0 Bris: 2.1 Bris by 7
Q1: 12:50 Fraser goals after playing on from a mark (2m) Coll: 2.0 Bris: 2.2 Bris by 2
Q1: 14:30 Akermanis splits the middle from open play (50m) Coll: 2.0 Bris: 3.2 Bris by 8
Q1: 19:25 McRae snaps truly (10m) Coll: 2.1 Bris: 4.3 Bris by 14
Q1: 29:50 Caracella roves pack and snaps (10m) Coll 2.3 Bris 5.5 Bris by 20
Q1: 32:00 Buckley goals from open play (20m) Coll: 3.3 Bris: 5.5 Bris by 14

Quarter time: Coll: 3.3 Bris: 5.5 Bris by 14

Q2: 1:30 Akermanis goals from boundary (35m) Coll: 3.3 Bris: 6.5 Bris by 20
Q2: 4:20 Hadley snaps truly (25m) Coll: 3.4 Bris: 7.5 Bris by 25
Q2: 8:40 Didak marks and goals (20m) Coll: 4.4 Bris: 7.5 Bris by 19
Q2: 17:35 Leppitsch goals from free kick (20m) Coll: 4.6 Bris: 8.6 Bris by 24
Q2: 19:00 Lynch marks on the boundary and goals (35m) Coll: 4.6 Bris: 9.6 Bris by 30
Q2: 21:30 Lynch snaps from boundary (35m) Coll: 4.6 Bris: 10.6 Bris by 36
Q2: 31:05 Black drills a goal on the run (45m) Coll 4.7 Bris 11.7 Bris by 42

Half time: Coll: 4.7 Bris: 11.7 Bris by 42

Q3: 2:55 Burns marks in pocket and goals (10m) Coll: 5.7 Bris: 11.7 Bris by 36
Q3: 5:45 Didak marks and goals (20m) Coll: 6.7 Bris: 11.7 Bris by 30
Q3: 11:30 Akermanis from open play (20m) Coll: 6.7 Bris: 12.10 Bris by 39
Q3: 15:05 Caracella goals after a free kick (30m) Coll: 6.7 Bris: 13.11 Bris by 46
Q3: 16:30 Burns snaps truly (40m) Coll: 7.7 Bris: 13.11 Bris by 40
Q3: 23:55 Tarrant marks and converts (40m) Coll: 8.7 Bris: 13.12 Bris by 35
Q3: 26:05 Pike snaps from boundary (30m) Coll 8.7 Bris 14.12 Bris by 41
Q3: 28:35 Scotland marks and goals (30m) Coll 9.7 Bris 14.12 Bris by 35

Three quarter time: Coll: 9.7 Bris: 14.12 Bris by 35

Q4: 4:15 Akermanis snaps his fourth (20m) Coll: 9.7 Bris: 15.13 Bris by Bris by 42
Q4: 14:30 Lynch marks and goals (10m) Coll: 9.11 Bris: 16.13 Bris by 44
Q4: 18:05 Brown marks and goals from pocket (10m) Coll: 9.11 Bris: 17.14 Bris by 51
Q4: 19:15 Akermanis drills his fifth (40m) Coll: 9.11 Bris: 18.14 Bris by 57
Q4: 20:20 Hart snaps his first (25m) Coll: 9.11 Bris: 19.14 Bris by 63
Q4: 25:20 Brown plays on from a mark and goals (2m) Coll: 9.11 Bris: 20.14 Bris by 69
Q4: 26:25 Didak goals (30m) Coll: 10.11 Bris: 20.14 Bris by 63
Q4: 27:00 Davis goals on the run (30m) Coll: 11.11 Bris: 20.14 Bris by 57
Q4: 28:20 Licuria goals on the run (40m) Coll: 12.11 Bris: 20.14 Bris by 51

Final score: Coll: 12:12 Bris: 20.14 Bris by 50