On Saturday 15 November, Collingwood players Sharrod Wellingham, Alan Toovey and Brad Dick will be at the McDonald’s restaurant (corner of Smith St and Victoria Parade in Collingwood) between 12:30 to 1:30pm. They will pull together to help raise funds for Ronald McDonald House.

All proceeds raised from McHappy Day will be donated to the Ronald McDonald’s House which helps seriously ill children and their families by raising money for the many important programs at Ronald McDonald House Charities.

This McHappy Day, on Saturday 15th November, you too can help seriously ill kids and their families, by donating to Ronald McDonald House Charities®. Here’s how...

Buy a Big Mac on McHappy Day and $1 from the sale of every Big Mac will go directly to helping seriously ill children and their families.

So come and show your support by supporting McHappy Day!

For more information, or to donate online, visit www.rmhc.com.au.

Fast Facts – McHappy Day and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC):

In Australia:
•    Ronald McDonald Houses are a home away from home and give families the opportunity to stay together to support their sick child.
•    Today there are 12 Ronald McDonald Houses across Australia (with a 13th on the way in Orange and 14th in Tamworth), providing affordable accommodation for families with sick children being treated in major women’s and children’s hospitals in each state.
•    Since 1981, the 12 Ronald McDonald Houses have provided over 50,000 families with more than 1.2 million individual nights of accommodation.
•    In 2007 alone, the Ronald McDonald House Program helped 5033 families of seriously ill children by providing a home away from home near their child’s hospital; the Ronald McDonald Learning Program helped 682 seriously ill children catch up on their missed schooling; Ronald McDonald House Charities awarded 17 Charlie Bell Scholarships to survivors of serious illness and 869 volunteers assisted Ronald McDonald House Charities.

•    Since 1974, the Ronald McDonald House Program has helped more than 10 million family members around the world.
•    Every night over 6,000 bedrooms are available for families worldwide.
•    Each year, more than 30,000 volunteers donate over a million hours of their time to Ronald McDonald Houses.