Hey Ash. Is there any actual reason why Travis Johnstone is growing that horrendous beard? It isn't doing him any favours.
Ally from Brisbane (QLD)

His beard is terrible, but I think it actually is doing him some favours because his girlfriend loves it.

She is a good sort and is apparently a fan of the bearded look. It’s fair to say that he is batting way above his average.

Hi Ash, are we going to see more of Tom Rockliff this year?
Hatem from Broadmeadows (VIC)

Rocky has had a really good pre-season and will probably be a chance to come back into the side this week with Jared Brennan out suspended.

He got over 30 touches and kicked seven goals last week in the Reserves so should be almost good to go.

Hi Ash, congrats on the great career thus far. With yourself mainly stationed in the backline, do you enjoy playing in a purely defensive role more (man on man) or do you prefer being in a zone defence? Also, do you expect to play more of a midfield role with Andrew Raines joining the club?
Adam from Sunbury (VIC)

Thanks Adam. I really enjoy playing in defence and personally like playing the one-on-one role against the smaller forwards.

But it seems that every team is now starting to use that rolling zone so it’s important to be able to adapt to both styles.

As for Andrew Raines, he’s playing a bit down back but also pinch-hitting in the midfield a bit at the moment. But his position doesn’t really affect my role.

Hey Ash, how's life after Braddy (Daniel Bradshaw)? Is he missed? And are the boys still in contact with him?
Jackie from Vermont (VIC)

I am still good mates and keep in regular contact with Braddy.

At the end of the day, footy is a business and players are shipped off every season. It’s always sad to see guys go, but it happens every season. I've watched plenty of my team-mates leave over the years.

But we all certainly wish Braddy the best over in Sydney.

If you could choose any three room-mates at the Lions, who would they be and why? Also, which three guys wouldn't you want to live with and why? Mackenzie from Eight Mile Plains (QLD)

I would room with Mitch Clark and Jared Brennan because they are probably my closest mates.

Whenever we go down to Melbourne, we usually take the Sony with us and set it up in one of our rooms.

Who wouldn’t I room with? Probably Todd Banfield because he doesn’t shower. I’d try and avoid Joel Patfull and Troy Selwood as well because I hear they both snore really loudly.

How much do you think you have changed as a person from when you first started with the Lions until now? For example, have you changed the way you communicate with your team-mates and fans?
Deborah from Chermside (QLD)

Yeah, you definitely change over the years. When I first arrived at the Club as a teenager I wish a bit shy like most of the young draftees are.

Over time you certainly learn to be more vocal as you begin to feel more at home at the Club. It’s a very family friendly Club and you certainly start taking some more ownership the longer you are around it.

How are the new recruits fitting in at the Club?
Heidi from Logan (QLD)

They are all fitting in well both on and off the field.

A lot of them were able to have a crack in the NAB Cup during the pre-season which got them used to our game plans as well.

Hey Ash, do the new guys have nicknames yet?
Bob from Alderley (QLD)

Unfortunately there is nothing really exciting. A few guys call Ryan Harwood ‘Hads’ because he looks a bit like our old team-mate Richard Hadley.

As for the others, they are regular nicknames likes ‘Fev’, ‘Rainesy’ and ‘Stakes’.

Hey Ash, I love my footy and was just wondering when you first made a representative team? I’m always stuck in the backline and the ball doesn't come down there which doesn't give me much of a chance.
Dan from Ormeau (QLD)

Hi Dan, the first rep side I ever made was the WA U16s. Unfortunately I missed out on selection in the U18s because of a broken arm.

If I can give you any advice, it would be to stay positive with your football and be the best trainer you can. It helps if you can be the standout on the training track.

Hey Ash, I just wanted to know whether you will get your right arm fully tattooed? Your left arm looks awesome!
Jess from Mackay (QLD)

I dunno yet Jess, I’m still undecided. I have still got a bit of work to finish on my left arm yet.

I would like to know what it means when the player raises the ball above his head before he goes to kick it?
Em from Reservoir (VIC)

It’s just a universal sign in the AFL which means you plan on slowing down the play.
You will usually see teams do it at the end of each quarter.

What is happening with Xavier Clark? Is his knee still having problems? Will he play in 2010 season?
K.J. Lee from Toowong (QLD)

Yeah, old ‘chicken legs’ is coming along well. He’s back running at training and is hopeful of playing by the middle of the season. He had a knee reconstruction last year which has meant a pretty long rehabilitation.

The bottom half of his legs are very skinny. He needs to grow some calves.

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