Should Jarrod Harbrow spend more time in the midfield?

Yes                                            28%
No                                             15%

Needs to rotate between both   57%

Total votes 313

Following on from an impressive display in the middle of the ground against West Coast, Western Bulldogs supporters (57%) want to see more of Jarrod Harbrow in the midfield.

While the fans are not yet ready to see Harbrow leave the backline completely, they definitely want to see the ‘excitement machine’ play more up the field. 

Harbrow’s pace and attacking mentality would certainly be an asset to the Dogs engine room but the Queenslanders ability to take the game on from the back half is a luxury we cannot afford to lose.

In this week’s poll we are asking, which Bulldogs youngster do you want to see in the AFL side.

To vote in this week’s poll click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.