Asthma Tasmania is a community organisation that operates statewide to provided education, support, advice and counseling to people with asthma ant their carers. Part of Asthma Tasmania operating cost comes from fundraising activities organized to help raise the profile of the organization in the Tasmanian community.
With high profile players like Justin Peckett having asthma the message to the public will be about keeping fit, managing your asthma and leading an active life. Asthma Tasmania hopes to use the profile of 2-3 key players to spread their health promotion message, whilst promoting the St Kilda Football Club at the same time.
Executive Officer for Asthma Tasmania Cathy Beswick said, “this joint partnership is a win-win situation for both as a positive image like playing football and being healthy can be linked to a health message”.
“Asthma affects the lives of approximately 1:4 children, 1:7 adolescents and 1:10 adults so we need to educate the public on correct management”, said Mrs. Beswick.
“The profile of both organisations will be raised by joint opportunities to work together”, she said. “For example, we hope St Kilda supporters will be able to volunteer for our Whistle Day in May and raise funds for asthma whilst promoting their club at the same time.”
“We also see many other opportunities for the partnership to be promoted with new activities occurring during the year, and as a result it has the potential to provide huge promotional opportunities for both organisations”, Mrs. Beswick said.
The St Kilda Football Club sees the importance in this partnership as previously mentioned with one of the Club’s players Justin Peckett suffering from asthma for 19 years and yet he has still been able to play football at an elite level.
St Kilda footballer Justin Peckett, said, “As a twelve year old child who developed asthma I was determined to not let it affect my love of sport. My family has also been a great support to me, in allowing me to get out there and play sport. As I came to play football at a more professional level the Club’s awareness of my asthma and what needed to be done to get me through training and football matches was also an important factor for me. This partnership with Asthma Tasmania is a positive one, which I hope will encourage people who suffer from asthma to be healthy and active.”
The St Kilda Football Club is committed to Tasmania and this partnership with Asthma Tasmania will further strengthen the Club’s relationship with the Tasmanian community.