Australian Football coaches (and officials who appoint them) are becoming increasingly aware that, as members of the wider community and the sports industry, they have legal and ethical obligations to present themselves in public in accordance with acceptable standards of behaviour.

Recognition of this fact by the AFL and affiliated bodies is shown in many ways including the requirement for coaches to be accredited and a focus on safety, legal and behavioural information in coaches’ courses and seminars.

It is important to maintain standards amongst Australian football coaches for the integrity of the sport and the general good of coaches. The AFL Coaches’ Code of Conduct is an outline of acceptable behaviours.The code is not intended to be lengthy, or detailed and does not remove the requirement for coaches to exercise judgement. However it does stand as a model for leagues, clubs and schools to expect that basic standards of behaviour are maintained. By accepting the Code, coaches are signifying commitment to supporting minimum standards of good coaching and the concepts of responsibility, competence and propriety within coaching.

The AFL Coaches’ Code of Conduct has been in existence and included in coaching manuals for many years. Study of the Code is an integral part of AFL coach accreditation courses and coaches are required to sign their agreement to comply with the Code as part of the accreditation process. Increasingly, clubs and leagues are reinforcing codes of behaviour for coaches and other participants at local level as part of a drive to improve the quality of club environments. There is an expectation that all Australian football coaches are aware of their responsibilities under the AFL Coaches’ Code of Conduct and act accordingly.

AFL Coaches' Code of Conduct (.pdf)