EACH week, Dr Dream Team answers your questions and queries about the Toyota AFL Dream Team competition. Drop him a line at dreamteam@afl.com.au and don't forget to include bank and trade details.

Hey Doc, I have both [Paul] Bower and [Jason] Gram in my defence and I would like to trade one. I will need to trade down somewhere else and Sam Wright and Paul Medhurst are in the gun. What should I do? - Morgan (11 trades, $18,600)
You’re in a bit of trouble here, Morgan, and a double-trade across the four guys you’ve mentioned is certainly in order. Bower (quad) looks like missing three weeks, while Gram (hamstring) could be out for up to a month. The first decision is which defender to keep.

Gram ($365,800) has dropped $37,800 following his hammy-induced 15 against the Bombers, but before that tragic score his month’s average was 97.75, so you’ve lost an in-form player.

Bower at $313,100 just keeps missing games of footy after a leg injury ruled him out from rounds two to five. Despite his two good scores, and the certainty that his price will rise when he does return, let go of Bower. I reckon Gram is the player you’d prefer in your side from here on. 

Likewise, I think Medhurst ($259,900) is going to be of more value to you than Wright ($215,000) so I’d recommend trading the young Roo - but not down.

The way things are placed this week, there’s more value for you in downgrading Bower in the backline to young Tiger Jeromey Webberley, and upgrading Wright.

You can spend up to $457,200 on your forward, bringing everyone bar Chappy into range. The Pav ($432,100) would be the safe option, Stevie J ($420,400) the form option and Didak ($397,200) the value option. It’s The Pav for mine.    

Hey Doc, I am not sure what to do with Jonathan Brown and Colin Sylvia. I have Jarrad Grant and Cameron Hitchcock on the bench, so I could move Sylvia there until he finds some form. I also have Pods, Stevie J, Didak, Higgins and Chapman in my forward line. - Brett (eight trades, $400)
You’re a tough mentor, Brett, threatening Sylvia with the bench. I’m afraid this week it’s not really an option.

He has hit a rotten run of DT form, and I’m sure a few coaches out there have given the game away after trading him in following early scores of 125 and 112.  He’s gone on to average 55 across his next three rounds and, well, his name is DT mud at the moment.

All that being said, he is still averaging more in the last three weeks than Hitchcock (54.33) and earns a spot on your field this week by default with Higgins out injured.

So does Higgins’ teammate Grant, who happens to be averaging a very respectable 81.67 over the last three weeks. If Sylvia puts in another stinker, and granted Higgins returns, go ahead and put this young Bulldog on your field next week. It’ll send a message to your entire list.  
Hi Doc. Like many I’m disappointed with David Armiflop. I was looking at trading out Jordie McKenzie for Tony Armstrong and trading Armitage up to Dane Swan. That would settle my midfield as Ablett, Bartel, Dal Santo, Cooney, Barlow and Swan. With an upgrade cost of $190,000 would this trade be worth it? Thanks Doc. - Brad (10 trades, $40,100)
Absolutely, Brad. Players like Armiflop (your words, not mine) get a go in your initial squad to eliminate the risk that comes with having too many first-year players in your side. (You weren’t to know that Scully, Trengove, Bastinac and Banfield would play every game so far and average more than Armitage).  

With your side balancing out, now is the perfect time to get rid of him. McKenzie has peaked in price at $309,800, while Swan ($484,300) is $39,200 down on his starting price, despite averaging 131 across the last three rounds. An excellent trade, Brad.

Hi Doc, I just spent all my savings on Heath Shaw and he let me down scoring just 50 points. Should I drop him or risk him for another week? Also, I don’t have a bench player in my forward line playing at the moment. Should I target Danny Hughes? - Ethan (10 trades, $25,850)
You’re a touch ruthless, Ethan, and I reckon you’re certainly jumping the gun looking to trade Shaw; he’s a proven DT gun, who has notched three 100s in eight rounds, including a monster 143 in round one.

That probably seems like a while ago after his 50 last week, but he copped a pretty hard tag from defensive forward Matt de Boer. No doubt there are a few rebounding Swans defenders (and DT owners) grateful the Freo youngster was left out this week.

But on Shaw, he has to stay. Up and down has always been his way, and the cycle is pointing to a big score against the Cats this week.

With Hughes being overlooked this week there’s no need to move on him for your bench cover. As you’re probably realising, bench options dry up after the opening rounds, so don’t be afraid to trade guys like Pods, Fyfe and Gumbleton into your side early days if you overlooked them pre-season. 

The views in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the clubs or the AFL.