PORT Adelaide coach Mark Williams produced one of the more expansive post-match media conferences for the year after his team's runaway win over North Melbourne.

Williams covered Dean Brogan's re-signing on a two-year contract, questioned the imbalance in the Power's free-kick ratio over the season, discussed the club's recent loss of administrators and considered the fact that Port would be in the market for a big name during trade time.

Along the way he also batted away suggestions that he had been arguing with his manager Ricky Nixon in a pre-game meeting on the MCG terraces.

Williams said that since the mid-season break the team had worked on parts of its game and had discarded some strategies to try things which would work next year.

He was keen to try those strategies against a top-four side and see if they held up, but was cagey when asked to elaborate and said his side could now be "more equipped to beat most sides and play a couple of different styles".

But in the end it amounted to a simple analysis: "We weren't good enough this year".

He said that goal-scoring from stoppages was a feature of the effort against North, and that had been an area where Port previously had been down.

 Williams then focused on free kicks and while treading carefully to avoid a possible fine, his opinion was crystal clear.

"The free kick count was a disaster for us again and if you have a look at the whole year it has been a disaster. When you study the stats, have a look at where the goals came from and have a look how many times they come from a free kick  – 3.1  – not from the free itself but from the kick then going to someone out on their own.

"It has happened continuously to us from stoppages this year. We've got smashed.

"If a free kick happens and our players are going that way and the umpire calls a free kick we are caught offside; we are not blaming anyone, just saying that is a fact.

"We need to spend some time with the umpiring department because I think we are about 90 kicks the wrong way which is just ridiculous."

When names such as Daniel Kerr, Alan Didak, Ben Cousins and Josh Carr were thrown up, Williams said he would be keen to consider all of them, although he questioned whether Josh Carr would be a viable option because of his age.

And he joked that, "If Jonathan Brown wants come they can have any draft pick they like."

Williams said that his pre-game discussion with manager Nixon had centred on Nixon's Irish recruiting plan and on Port Adelaide losing its administrators.

" Triple M started talking about us having a blue. That's the most bizarre thing that could have been said."

Ruckman Brogan appeared alongside his coach, who paid tribute to his all-round ability as a major influence on-ball, in defence or attack.

Williams acknowledged that Brogan would have been an attractive proposition for a number of clubs, but praised his progress from rookie to part of the leadership group.

Brogan said that although he had sought a three-year deal he was happy that there was a provision in his contract that if he played a certain number of game in his second year he would have a third year added on.

He said that although it had been a "crap year" for the club it had probably been his best on an individual basis. He said the terms had been agreed on Thursday and he was happy to get things settled by round 22 because it was an important contract for his future and his family.