We’ve had a great week of training and preparation for this week’s game.

It’s also exciting to be back at the Gabba where we know our supporters will be cheering so loudly that the ground feels like it’s shaking. It’s something we’re all looking forward to.

It has also been an exciting couple of days for me personally after re-gaining the ‘Call of Duty’ title at the Club by knocking off Ash McGrath - who has an uncanny ability to spot you from tall buildings within the game using his sniper.

Toddy Banfield couldn’t quite get the chocolates in the title shot as he is still learning the game. But a big congratulations to his great achievement during the week of getting a Rising Star nomination.

He used to say that he was going to bleach his hair blonde like he used to have it in his junior days. But I think the red hair is really becoming an icon and seeing the ‘big red rocket’ chase, tackle and kick goals really gets the team going.

Pearl Café is my preferred choice for lunch when we’re training during the week at the Gabba.

Daniel and the girls there whip up an amazing coffee and their salmon fish finger sandwhich gets you every time. A great vibe and fine dining experience.

Jack Redden has been going crazy over this Justin Beiber phenomenon. He has really been stretching his vocal chords out at home to Beiber’s red hot single ‘Baby’.
I wonder how Beiber will end up, or if he will be an overnight celebrity. Although signing with Justin Timberlake is pretty cool (so Jack tells me).

Had the chance to head down to the beach for the afternoon yesterday for a swim and some lunch with some of the boys. They put the weather on for us which was great.

Unfortunately there were no film crews down there for the TV show ‘Surf Patrol’ to capture some of Niall McKeever’s best work in the water. Coming from Ireland, he is still learning the art of doggie paddle.