Dear Stephen (Shirley)
I am a documentary film-maker currently researching for a TV-commissioned documentary on 'The Marseillaise' - the French national anthem. I'd heard through the grapevine that your Club anthem was based on the music of the Marseillaise, and having ploughed the Internet, I have found this to be true! I am contacting you in the hope that I could get some more information as to how this came to happen, who wrote the words for the anthem and any other relevant information, as it would make for great content in my film.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon,

Hi Martin,

Sounds like an interesting project on what is in my opinion an inspirational piece of music.

I've made a few calls today and after speaking to the Fitzroy-Brisbane Lions Historical Society President Arthur Wilson, I was told that the man to speak to is former Fitzroy 'Team of the Century' player and former Coach William (Bill) Stephen. Bill is an icon of our Club and was the man responsible for introducing this song to the Fitzroy Football Club back in 1952.

Up to that point, Fitzroy did not have a club song whereas many other teams, in the then Victorian Football League (VFL), sang their respective songs passionately after a hard fought victory.

At the end of the 1952 season, the Fitzroy team travelled via train to Perth for an end of season trip. Whilst on the train, Bill suggested to some of his mates that the club needed its own club song and after recently watching the movie 'Casablanca', he was inspired by a piece of music he heard in the film. It just happened to be the Marseillaise.

A few of the guys contributed to the new lyrics and they then proceeded to sing the new club song for the entire trip. Upon their return to Melbourne, the song stuck and before too long, Lions supporters embraced it as their own.

After the Fitzroy Football Club merged with the Brisbane Bears Football Club to become the Brisbane Lions in 1997, the lyrics were again updated to represent the new Club.

I called Bill today and he spoke passionately about the song and its origins at our Club. It's a great story and one best told by the man himself. Bill is expecting your call. Just be mindful of the time difference.

All the best,

Stephen Shirley
Victorian Manager