Believe it or not, there’s a Crows footy team in Andorra...

This is the latest in the Crows Around the World series on

Hi to the real Crows from the Andorran Crows!

Andorra is a tiny "microstate" as we are defined - a country on its own right, with its own government, laws and tax system though we do use the Euro currency.

There are 84000 inhabitants but only 37500 with Andorran passports. It is caught between the Spanish Pyrenees and the French Pyrenees, and is basically a ski resort perched on the side of vertical mountains. Our official language is Catalan though Spanish, French and Portuguese are also spoken.

I, a Scot/irish, have been involved in Aussie Rules since 1993 when I lived in Denmark where I played for the Amager Tigers, winning the flag twice with them. I was best first year player in 1993 and president of the Danish Australian Football League in 1995 when I also represented Great Britain. This info is slightly out of date as I have played several matches since and officiated in many more since living in Catalunya then Andorra.

About five years ago I got involved with the national Catalunyan side as it was being formed, taking them to the Eurocup in both 2007 and 2008. I moved to Andorra two years ago and decided to keep up my interest in Aussie Rules and formed the Crows.

The Crows were formed therefore about two years ago and we are currently taking part in the French Australian Football League, though last year we took part in the Catalan League. This season we have decided to play both leagues as the Fench league is a winter league and the Catalan league is a spring/summer league.

We took part in the Eurocup in October 2009, finishing 11th. We will also take part this year, most likely in Milan, in October..

Why the Crows? Well two reasons. The first is that the colours of the Adelaide Crows almost exactly match the three colours in our national flag and secondly, about a year ago, we hadn't decided on a name and just at that time the press got interested in us and came to interview and take pictures. I had mentioned to the head of sports of the national TV here the fact that the Adelaide Crows has the same colours in their gear as the Andorran flag. So he told his reporter this and the reporter started the interview with the question "So Douglas, the Andorra Crows, how do you see the lead up to your first game in the Catalan league?" We were formally named!! No turning back.

We are a mixed bunch to say the least with eight policemen as part of the team, all super fit and as tough as nails, and seven 16-17 year olds who also never tire though we have to say still lack physically mature bodies to take and give hits. Me, I'm 51, dicky knees but still there, and was the oldest player ever to play at the Eurocup. Curiously enough Axel Sanchez from our team was the youngest player at the tournament and also took part in 2008 when he was (of course) a year younger and as you can guess also the youngest player of the tournament!

We really do lack back up as you can imagine and although I have trained teams for five years and had the pleasure to learn Aussie Rules from Australians in Denmark, I have never visited Australia. The two Australians who live in Andorra are rugby coaches and involved with the national rugby side!! Can you believe it?

If any of your fans are Andorrans they are very welcome to contact us via email or through our Facebook "Andorra Crows Equip de futbol australià"!/group.php?gid=71739685943&ref=ts

Douglas Pate

If you are living or travelling overseas and have a similar story - or even one quite different - get in touch with us. We have published some great stories (see the Crows Around the World archive archive here)

But we want more! Where are you living or holidaying? What took you to another part of the world? How do you get your Crows and footy fix? What you miss most about being closer to the Crows? Do you meet with other Crows supporters to watch or listen to games?

You may be living in London and watch the games at a pub. Or perhaps you are in a Kombi van driving around Europe; teaching in Japan; working in New York; or backpacking through Asia.

Write to Communications Manager David Burtenshaw at and tell us your story. The best articles will be published on our club’s official website.