It’s been a big couple of weeks for us and the confidence is growing with each game. I know that our supporters are getting used to the close finishes and so are we. In 10 of our last 14 games there has been less than a goal the difference at some point of the last quarter, so we are well and truly used to tough final quarters. Let’s open the mailbag.

Hey Kingy, good to have you back mate if thing's go well and we make it into the final eight how do you think we will go? Do you think we could take it all the way? Where do you see us at the end of the year? - Toby Blatchford

SK: Like every team our goal is to win enough games to make the eight. I know this sounds like an old football cliché, but all we focus on is the next game. We have 10 wins now and we really want number 11 next week against Carlton. We want to keep playing hard, tough football.

I just wanna say that it must have been really hard to come back from an injury like that and find form quickly but gr8 game against the pies. - Tom Snowdon

SK: Thanks Tom. The achilles problem is fully behind me. I haven’t had any problems with it since I came back. The hamstring that kept me out for a couple of weeks was frustrating but its behind me now.

Hey Kingy, firstly keep focused you guys are going great. Coming from Tassie I was wondering how Cameron Thurley was travellin' and also how valuable have Cressa and Fletch been? – Redman

SK: Thurls showed in the early Wizard Cup games that he has great skills but its always difficult for anybody coming into an AFL club. The demands are far greater than at any other level. Cameron also had a bought of scarlet fever that laid him low early in the season and that put him back a bit. By all accounts he played well on the weekend in the VFL and kicked three goals.

Cressa and Fletch have been great for us. I have worked a fair bit with Cressa and he has a great insight. Fletch is incredibly smart and his work in analysing the upcoming opponents has been very important in what we have done.

I've been noticing that when Josh Hunt kicks the ball out after the other team just got a point he does it very quickly where as other players take a bit more time. So I was just wondering what you think is better kicking quickly so that the other team isn't always ready but some Geelong players might not be either or waiting a bit so that all the players on the ground (including the opposition) are ready for the ball. - Manderson Claire

SK: It really depends on how the opposition has set up. Josh has done a great job for us – he really has great skills. Sando and Dasher have also taken turns at kicking in and we have got great drive from the backline this year. They have set up some good attack for us and our kick ins have been a strength.

How good do you think Tom Harley has been playing in recent weeks? does he have a chance for All Australian selection? - James Paull

SK: Tom is a fantastic player and he has been receiving the credit he deserves this year. We have great faith in Tom and I know that Bomber has as much confidence in Tom doing the job as he does in Scarlo. One of Tom’s great strengths is his ability to play on different types of players – from the likes of Tarrant who has great endurance to Hall who is strong to Matera who is much shorter and quicker than him. Tom is now one of the elite backmen in the AFL and I know the All Australian selectors are looking at him and he must be a huge chance.

What happened to the Czech Republic? - Bill Adams

SK: Boy have I copped some flak on this one. I still think they were the best team in it, but Greece defended well and scored when they had to. Koula is still celebrating - he even has a poster of the Greek team up in his locker.