A money collection in the stands before Sunday’s 73-point win over Sydney at the MCG raised a total of $22,025.45 towards Debt Demolition in just 15 minutes.
This means that in the past three weeks we have now raised $129,121.45, reducing our $767,000 of debt to $638,000 - a testament to the generosity of our members and supporters.

Among those donations was a cheque for $2,000, lots of $50 and $100 notes and even some foreign currency.

Many of the volunteers who generously helped with the collection returned with overflowing buckets, reporting that even some Sydney fans and a lone Collingwood supporter threw in some loose change.

Debt Demolition culminates next Wednesday evening when our 300 Foundation Heroes will gather at AAMI Park, two years after they came together to raise $2 million in a single evening.

The group will welcome 40 new members this year who have each committed a minimum donation of $5,000 and while the primary purpose of the evening is to thank them for their contribution, this is also an opportunity for the Melbourne Football Club to become debt free.

To make this possible, we need to raise as much as possible before 4 August.
Make your donation at www.debtdemolition.com.au or phone (03) 9643 1760 during business hours.

If you are interested in becoming a Foundation Hero, phone (03) 9652 1111.