Some interesting feedback was sourced from clubs ahead of, during and after the AFL exchange period's first day.

"A few clubs asked after (Brent) Reilly – obviously because he missed the elimination final – to see where he sits, but we want to keep him and he's very happy to stay.

"It’s the same with (Jon) Griffin and the same with (Graham) Johncock, so we're very happy with those three blokes and want to keep them.

"We wanted to keep our picks and not many [clubs] wanted our players either or not ones that we wanted to let go of at any rate.

"We were busy last year because of the players going out and some players coming in, but it's the quietest I've seen it since I've been doing it. It was very quiet [because] people just want to keep their draft picks so there's nothing much happening." – recruiting manager Matt Rendell.

Brisbane Lions
"It was a pretty quiet day actually, probably the quietest day I’ve been to. We spoke to every club, not much happened and we’ll just see where it falls from there. We didn’t throw up any players at all.

"There was a bit of interest in a few [of our] players which we don’t want to really talk about so we’ll just see what happens. They’re contracted players, so they’re all required by the Lions.

"We’d like Buddy Franklin but I don’t think we’ll get him!" – head of football Graeme Allan.

"We can't do that deal." – chief executive Greg Swann on Sydney Swan Ryan O'Keefe.

"There's no progression," he added on Fremantle ruckman Robert Warnock.

"There was nothing [that] happened today that would indicate that we're in a position to trade Alan (Didak) or any player." – chief of football operations Geoff Walsh.

"Right now, who knows? It's all speculation," he said earlier.

"We'll be open-minded about it this week – we've got a philosophy to add to our young talent, whether that be through the draft or through the trade period. We won't rule anything out, but we would like to think that we would be able to add a certain age demographic.

"But you just never know what can evolve this week, and we're not sure what Sydney is looking at, or whether Ryan (O'Keefe) actually is going to leave yet, until we sit down and talk to them about that.

"I think Sydney have certainly expressed interest in Andrew (Lovett), but until we sit down face-to-face with Sydney today [Monday] and work out where they're at, I'm a little bit none-the-wiser with that.

"There's no minimum or maximum. I guess Essendon's had a perception that we've been hard to deal with over time, so we'll really work out whether that's the case this week, because we want a fair deal, whatever the case is, because he's a year under contract." – senior coach Matthew Knights.

"It's the start of trade week and we know it goes until the end of the week, so we're just testing the waters with everyone at the moment.

"There's been a few clubs that have expressed interest [in ruckman Robert Warnock], so it's just a matter now of going through the process and seeing where we're at with it. I mean Carlton has made it public about their [pick] 24 and we need to have a chat and we'll go from there." – general manager of football operations Chris Bond.

"He’s (Brent Prismall) interested in pursuing the opportunities, I think it’s more about opportunity than anything else. And I think some other clubs could probably pay him a bit better than what we can with our TPP (Total Player Payments).

"We’ll be really disappointed if we lose him but that’s what this week’s about I think. [We’re] pretty keen to keep him but he’s probably got all the cards at this stage. We’re still talking to him but we’ll see what happens." – football manager Neil Balme.

"Look, with all our players, whether it be Tim (Boyle) or someone else, we'll certainly listen to offers put forward.

"Certainly, from the clubs we've met with during the course of last week, they've raised certain players’ names, including our forwards, so we'll take them all on board." – general manager of player personnel and strategy Chris Pelchen.

"There are a number of clubs interested in Chris Johnson and Mark Jamar and they were the two main ones (players asked about). The clubs have said they've got a strong interest in them and we took that on board and we just move on today.

"We've still got a strong interest in Robbie Warnock, if he can't get an arrangement with Carlton. We've also staked an interest in Brent Prismall and he hasn't made a decision one way or the other yet, so we're waiting on some confirmation there.

"Brad (Green) hasn't re-signed, so he's an obvious one to be asked about and Hawthorn and Sydney asked about him and we see him as a very important leader around the club. We're hopeful that he'll re-sign." – general manager of football operations Chris Connolly.

North Melbourne
"There were lots of names mentioned. Hamish McIntosh's name was mentioned today, so even with Hamish we'll sit down and if there's real interest there and a club loves Hamish, we'll have a look.

"We'd like to get a few more picks but, if not, we'll keep our contracted players and take the picks we've got and move on.

"The two players that we're talking about (Daniel Harris and Corey Jones) are contracted, and until someone actually puts something on the table, they're our players and they'll be playing with us next year.

"We've contracted them; we want them to stay. Daniel is the only player who has stated that he would like to leave, Corey Jones has attracted a little bit of interest, and same with Hamish. If I was a betting man, most if all will still be at our footy club by the end of the week, and that's the way it goes." – senior coach Dean Laidley.

Port Adelaide
"It's true to say that pick four would be available, but it's a matter of what you get back for it and certainly it's very, very unlikely we'll be trading it. I'd imagine we'd be keeping all of our picks and hopefully adding one or two more to them.

"(Fremantle's) Josh (Carr) is overseas so it's a bit hard to do too much due diligence when he's away, so we'll have to wait and see what happens, but it'll be unlikely much would happen this week I'd say. We don't think we'll trade for him this week. Obviously we want to be able to check him out in the flesh before we make any commitment and he's away so that won't be happening.

"We've had some mild interest in Brad Green, but it hasn't really got that far. The salary he's after is probably not in our ball-park and he's at the club that's finished 16th so, leverage wise, it's a bit hard to get a deal." – football operations manager Peter Rohde.

Unavailable for comment on day one.

St Kilda
"There hasn't been anything of interest. Everyone wants the same thing; to keep what they've got basically; I don't think a lot's going to happen." – recruiting manager John Peake.

"To be honest Kosi (Justin Koschitzke) was not mentioned at all – as it should be – and Dal's (Nick Dal Santo is) the same; they're going to be playing at St Kilda next year," he added.

Sydney Swans
"Obviously Ryan (O'Keefe) has indicated to us that he wants to seek a trade in Melbourne. Look, we’ve still got a great relationship with Ryan … we’ve just gone through the process today of seeing what can come about but to be honest no-one’s really come [up] with anything formal at the moment.

"If at the end of the week nothing happens, we believe we can hopefully keep him on board as a Sydney Swans player.

"I would think as a starting point, a first-round selection would be a fair deal … no-one’s really come to anything formal today. Understandably every club’s probably just getting a feel for what’s going to happen throughout the week." – manager of player personnel Stuart Maxfield.

West Coast
"It's far too early. Everyone plays their cards close to their chest. We'll see what partakes in the next few days." – recruiting manager Trevor Woodhouse.

Western Bulldogs
"We've enquired about a number of players today. A tall forward and a tall defender is something we'd love to bring into our club. We've done due diligence and spoken to a number of clubs but, on these days, I think today is about sounding each other out and getting a bit of a feel for what's out there."

"There's hasn't been as much [interest in Farren Ray] as we would have liked. There's been a number of clubs that have shown some interest, but nothing that's fallen today.

"We've put on the table that we think, being fair and realistic, that he's worth a second round draft pick; an earlier second round than a later second round. That seems to be a fair and reasonable asking price." – football manager James Fantasia.