THE GOLD Coast Football Club is sifting through dozens of prospective theme songs in the lead up to its entry into the TAC Cup competition in April.

Chief operating officer Scott Munn said the club had been inundated with lyrics, music and completed songs for consideration.

“And we’ve also spoken to a couple of independent composers who are putting some stuff together for us,” Munn said.

“There are some really fantastic people involved in football who are putting some songs forward.”

One song recorded by Victorian Ross Arundale was featured on television and had almost 4000 hits on the Gold Coast Bulletin’s website. Listen to the track here.

The aim is to have the theme song ready for the club’s first game in the under-18s competition against Eastern Ranges on April 4.

But Munn insisted the club would not rush their choice.

“I think it’s like a lot of the major parts of the team that are coming together; we’re not going to make a hasty decision,” Munn said.

“We’ll be promoting ourselves on the national stage as the Gold Coast, and everything we do will reflect the values of the Gold Coast, and I think the song will be an example of that.”

Even former Brisbane Bear and Sydney Swan, Warwick Capper, has offered to pen the song.

The veteran of 124 AFL games has previously recorded four songs including ‘Rippin Undies’ and ‘Don’t Take What’s Mine.’

“That got to number three in Australia and number one on the one-hit wonders show on '20 to 1' the other night,” Capper said.

“I’ll do a song for them if they want me to write a song for them.”

Munn welcomed Capper’s prospective involvement. “If Warwick wanted to do that we’d be more than happy, and I’d be happy personally to sit down with him and listen to it,” Munn said.

Capper, a former Gold Coast lord mayoral candidate, has offered his services to the club on other fronts as well.

“I’ve been here [for] 20 years and everyone can associate with me because I put the entertainment into the game and if they want me to give them a hand I will,” Capper said.

“They’ve already asked me to do some skills coaching and I might do some forwards stuff for them.

“I kicked 400 goals and a hundred goals in a year and I was a pretty good mark, so I thought it might help (Gold Coast coach) Guy McKenna out.

“I could also do some media relations because I’m a bit of an icon up on the Gold Coast, I ran for mayor and I’ve done a lot of things.”

Capper has also kindly granted permission for the Gold Coast Football Club to use his image in any way they see fit.

“On their jumpers, on the banner, a picture of me with the white teeth and the stop and go sign,” he said.

“I’ll help them with the song or the jumper, whatever they want, I just like putting something back into the game.”