Last Friday the West Coast Eagles played host to four visitors who made the trip all the way from Newman to visit the club.

The group currently work at the Newman Women’s Shelter, working with the Martu community in helping to change their outlooks on life and actively contributing to the community.

Thanks to the Eagles’ principal community partner BHP Billiton, the group was flown down to Perth last week for a club visit and as well as receiving tickets to the Saturday match against Essendon, all as a thank you for their contribution to Newman Women’s Shelter and the Martu community.

They spent their Friday afternoon being taken on a club tour by former Eagle and the club’s Indigenous Liaison Officer, Phil Narkle, and also got to meet West Coast stars Nic Naitanui, Scott Selwood, Jacob Brennan, Gerrick Weedon and Lewis Broome.

“These individuals are currently working with the Shelter on a raft of engagement and intervention projects and activities with the Martu community here in Newman,” said Eric Brahim, the senior advisor of indigenous affairs at BHP Billiton.

“Most of the Martu on the program have long term alcohol related issues and a lot of the work centres around engagement and providing diversionary activities for a portion of each day. The program has been running for a large portion of this year and there has been some amazing achievements by a number of individuals.”

Thanks to BHP Billiton for making this very special visit possible.