I noticed on the St Kilda website and also emails from St Kilda concerning hall of fame nominees that stories regarding our favourite St Kilda players were requested. For me, there has always been only one favourite - and he still is the best - Carl Ditterich.

Big Carl was simply inspirational. He was the reason I followed the Saints and the reason I still do. 40 years a Saints supporter. As an 8 year old, I remember watching in awe the sheer brilliance of Big Carl. In those days, all the kids at school had a local WA team and a Victoria team to support. It was 1963 when I really started my passion for the Saints - all because of Big Carl.

Things were really different then for us. We had black and white TV, and no direct (live) coverage of the games. In fact, we had to wait up late on a Sunday night for ABC TV to show highlights of the Victorian games from the day before. Some Sundays, the aeroplane carrying the videotape was delayed due to strong headwinds, and so it was either not shown or shown a lot later than advertised. It was a real treat to stay up and watch VFL Playback on the Sunday night. If the Saints were playing, I was allowed to stay up - otherwise it was off to bed!

I recall in about 1965 the Vics came to Subiaco Oval for a State game and Big Carl was playing. I was fortunate enough to be able to see it - that was in the days when no more than 2 players were selected from each Victorian club side to represent the State. Watching Big Carl wear the Big White V was awesome. He sorted out one of the renowned tough men of WA football (Mal Atwell) as well as playing brilliantly. My Dad went up to Big Carl after the game (when you were allowed onto the ground and could get your star's autographs) and got Big Carl's autograph for me. What a hero my Dad was for getting me the prized Carl Ditterich autograph!

The other vivid memory for me concerned my best friend. He barracked for Geelong (because of Polly Farmer) and always shook his head when I said that Big Carl was the greatest footballer ever to pull on a football boot. During the Sunday night news program, they featured some footage of the Victorian games (it was in the 70s I think). This time, they featured a game at Moorabbin, and who else but Big Carl. He got the ball in the backline and took it the whole length of the field - handpassing and then receiving the handball back and ended up shooting truly - a six pointer. Absolutely magnificent, I immediately phoned my friend and he didn't even let me speak - he knew it was me and just said, Yes Carey, it was good and Big Carl is good. I replied, He is not just good - he is the greatest footballer ever to pull on a football boot!

Many thanks to Big Carl for the memories.
Carey Redenbach