Hi Ash! What has gone wrong with the boys over the past month? What are you doing to fix it? It's been over a month since I've last heard our song and I'm itching to sing it again!
Jackie from Vermont (VIC)

It’s hard to put an exact finger on it, but we’ve probably just gotten away a bit from our structures.

Last week we showed some encouraging signs against the Crows and got some things rights. It seems as though we’re slowly getting back there.

The boys have been training really hard because no one wants to keep losing.

Just want to say I think you played an excellent game on the weekend - probably the best I have seen you play. Has Voss ever talked about playing you and Banfield more in a midfield role? I believe we lack some speed.
Craig from Augustine Heights (QLD)

There’s been some talk about moving into the midfield but I’ll stay predominantly down in defence at the moment given the number of injuries we’ve had recently to our backline.

I enjoy moving into the middle when I get the chance, but also love my role in defence.

Plus, I think the guys in the midfield have been doing a really good job.

G'Day Ash. When Charlie Murphy walked into a club, he said that Rick James was so great that he had an orange aura surrounding him - he had seen it. Who at the Lions has the same sort of aura around them when they walk into the Club?
Damir Zloich from Swan Valley (WA)

Besides myself, probably Mitch Clark has the biggest orange aura around him at the Club.

It’s good at the moment because all the boys have “UNITY”.

Thanks Dazza, I hope you’re enjoying yourself.

I’ve noticed you mentioned Bart McCulloch in your column quite a bit. What’s he like as a person around the Club?
Brendan from Morwell (VIC)

Big Bart is definitely a character around the Club.

He has big eyebrows and is from Tassie - that’s probably enough said.

Hi Ash, can you please tell Browny I'm sorry but I've had to drop him as my Supercoach Captain. It's nothing personal, I still love the guy but Gary Ablett just seems to get better scores.
Brian from Brunswick West (VIC)

No worries Brian, I’ll let him know. I’m sure he won’t take it to heart.

But I think he might prove you wrong this week when he lines up against the Pies.

I heard on the radio that Fev was surprised to find that most of the boys shower in their jocks and is trying to change this. Are there any players that you reckon are nudists at heart?
Jarrad from Ashgrove (QLD)

We do start off showering in jocks and wear them in the plunge pools for hygiene reasons.

I think Fev just likes to get naked as much as he can.

Hey Ash, are there any ‘cliques’ in the team? Do some boys hang out together more than others?
Charlie from Clayfield (QLD)

Definitely the Baringa boys - Jack Redden, James Polkinghorne and Tom Rockliff.

They’re inseparable. They live together, go out together and hang out at the Club together.

A few of us are starting to get a bit worried about them. We think they need to go out and find girlfriends.

Hey Ash, who does the washing after training and after a game? Does the Club wash all the gear or do you do it yourself?
Hendo from Melbourne (VIC)

We’ve got a Property Manager named Ian Hawke who looks after all the washing at the Club.

It’s a pretty big job and I know that Hawkey isn’t a massive fan of that part of his job.

But I have recommended to him that he needs to start using Nappy San or Cuddly to make our jumpers softer.

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