Linda Burney, Minister for Fair Trading, Volunteering and Youth, joined the Sydney Swans along with the junior players from the Maroubra Saints and their parents at the player registration session in Matraville today, to encourage parents to get involved and to announce changes to the legislation covering associations.

Ms Burney showed her support for the enthusiastic army of parents who volunteer in their kids’ sporting clubs, and announced that she is seeking comment from the public about the amendments to the Associations Act that affects the large and small clubs that form the backbone of Australian Football and all other sporting codes.

“I know how much of these parents’ time and expertise, all unpaid and often unrewarded, goes into running an association like a sports team,” Ms Burney said.

“The Government appreciates that so many associations undertaking important work within their communities are small and do not have the same financial concerns, nor the resources, to deliver complex reporting requirements.

“The reforms contained in the exposure draft Bill will strengthen current laws under which associations are run and provide increased consumer protection for association members.”

Ms Burney said there are around 40,000 Incorporated Associations across the State, made up of many diverse groups including community services, non-government organisations, interest groups, service clubs and community groups, as well as sporting clubs. 

“Associations whose annual turnover exceeds $200,000 will now be required to have audited financial statements,” Ms Burney said.

“The new reforms will ensure that larger associations hold greater accountability to their members and that members will have greater surety about the financial stability of their association. 

“Members work hard for their associations, ensuring they operate to an optimum level and they have a right to feel confident that the accounts of the association are being managed correctly.

“On the other hand, the proposals recommend a number of changes that will keep it as simple as possible for small associations, including not having to have their accounts audited.

“Overall, the reforms will modernise the processes involved in running an association, making the law more applicable to other forms of incorporation without increasing requirements. This will make incorporating as an association by far the most simple and cost effective way for these types of organisations to operate effectively.” 

Ms Burney said the Office of Fair Trading will conduct consultation meetings with key stakeholders until the end of March to discuss the proposed reforms. 

Mr Dale Homes, General Manager AFL (NSW/ACT), was positive about the proposed changes.

“AFL (NSW/ACT) oversees more than 350 associations, of which approximately 15 to 20 have a turnover greater than $200,000,” Mr Holmes said.

“All of these clubs rely heavily on the support of volunteers. Presently there are well over 10,000 volunteers working tirelessly for local Australian Football clubs. These volunteers are mostly parents who donate their time to assist with coaching, administration, umpiring and even fundraising.

“The changes will mean that the smaller clubs with minimal resources, like the Maroubra Saints, will find it easier to operate, while for the larger ones there will be greater rigour in their reporting and accountability to their members.

“As a sport, Australian Football is continuing to grow throughout the state as more and more people and families get involved with clubs and the many development programs on offer.

“Clubs across NSW and ACT are currently taking registrations for the 2008 season with opportunities for players of all ages,” Mr Holmes said,

“Once more this year, the AFL (NSW/ACT) is giving new participants and their families the chance to experience the game first-hand. The ‘Welcome to AFL’ experience includes a family pass for first-time registrants and a chance to take part in an on-field superclinic pre-match.”

For more information please visit or call 8333 8030.

The Exposure Draft is available on the Fair Trading website at or by calling 13 32 20. Submissions close Friday 11 April 2008.

Media contact:          Phyllis Sakinofsky                 9228 4455 / 0406 164 034