What’s your middle name?

Do you have any pre-game superstitions?
I always listen to the same song before I go out in every game. It’s a song by 50 Cent, but I can’t remember what it’s called. I just know where it is on my iPod and play it.

What was your first job?
I was a dish pig at a place called Surf Rider in Torquay where I lived in Victoria.

What song would you sing at karaoke?

I’m probably too shy to get up and sing, but I’d say it would be ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. I think it would just be a good song to sing.

What’s something you’re always being reminded to do?
I’m always being reminded to clean my room because it’s terrible. Mum always gets a shock when she comes to visit.

Who are three people you’d like to buy a drink for?
Adriana Lima (Brazilian supermodel), my mum and Greg Bentley.

What is your favourite sport outside football?
Cricket. I played right up until I was drafted pretty much.

What is your favourite food and can you cook?
My favourite food is chicken parmigiana, but I’m not allowed to eat that anymore, so I’d probably say chicken risotto. I try and cook, but I wouldn’t say I can cook.

What will you be doing in 10 years time?

Hopefully, still playing football for Port Adelaide.