Have you ever wanted to ask JK a question?
Here’s your chance!
Send an email to Josh at: askjk@westcoasteagles.com.au and he will reply to the five best questions every week.
Maybe you’ve always wanted to know what an AFL footballer eats for breakfast, or what JK gets up to on his day off.
The only way to find out is by emailing Josh now!
Here are Josh's answers to this week's top questions:
Hi Josh,
A lot has been said in the media about the future of Woosha as coach. Lots of people, including the club, have said that significant improvement is needed for him to stay. What do you think needs to be achieved in the remainder of the season for Woosh to stay on and do you believe he will be there next year? I know a lot of us as supporters would like to have Woosh there holding up his second cup as coach, whenever that may be!
G'day Liam,
Woosha has been harshly criticised the last few years. Since bringing in a new game plan, it has taken a bit of time for us boys to get our head around it, so the last few years have been tough and it seemed like there not was no improvement, but Woosh believed in his plan and us. He put that faith in us and we all believed in it as well. I'm not saying that we are flying at the moment because we still need to improve in a lot of areas, but this year we are starting to see results from what Woosh put in place a few years back. That will grow each week and hopefully in a few years time you will see Woosh holding that fourth cup for himself as well as a first for some of us!!
Hey Josh,
Great game by the boys on Thursday!! I was wondering, I went to the East Perth v East Freo game on Saturday (GO EAST FREO) and I was wondering as there were five Eagles playing, do you guys have to go to WAFL trainings as well as Eagles training??
Taylor Bowey
Bertram, WA
P.S Kill the 'Dons!!!
Hey Taylor,
Go the Sharks!!! During the week our commitments are with West Coast whether you are playing AFL or WAFL. If you are playing WAFL that week, we head down to the WAFL team meeting. Depending on what the West Coast are doing in terms of playing and travelling, we would sometimes go and do a training session down there as well.
Hey Josh,
Really good start to the year. I've enjoyed watching the team play. Jack Darling looks like he's built like a tank. Do you think he be one of the next quality big men forwards like Jonathon Brown or Buddy? If he played FF and you and Lynchy had HF, LeCras in FP and maybe Andrew Strijk in other FP, you would have a pretty decent line-up in the forward line. Who do you think delivers the ball the best to you when you're leading? And do you think Andrew Strijk is far away from making first team again?
From Dylan
Jack moves well for a big man! He's got a great mark and can find the ball, I'd love to see him turn into a Brown or Franklin, but at the moment he just needs to keep doing what he's doing. He's only 18 and has so much more to learn. To see his form now, he's going to be a great player for years to come! Strijky will hopefully be back in soon, he's in some good form in WAFL, as well as Ashton Hams, but in saying that, so is Mark Nicoski who has cemeted his spot by playing some good footy. The best thing is that with not many injuries and WAFL guys proforming well, it puts pressure on the first team to play well, which makes it hard to get a game, which is what you want: everyone playing well!
Hey Josh,
Since the start of the season you guys have been playing so good. I think you guys have really stepped up since last year and the result have shown and it is great to see Leca back on the field so quickly after his injury. I was wondering how you over come set backs, like if you lose a game, how do you move on and always think positive because I do karate and I am always having trouble overcoming set backs. I was wondering how you guys do it because when you lost to Hawthorn the next game you seemed even more pumped and confident.
Thanks, Shontelle
Hey Shontelle,
It's hard sometimes, when I was younger I would get really down on bad games, injuries etc. The thing I concentrate on now with bad games is not what I've done bad, but why and how can I fix it. With footy, there's always next week. Figuring out what went wrong and working on how to fix keeps me positive because I know that there's always somewhere to improve. And the challenge with improving in areas is what I love doing. Some days just aren't your day, but acting quickly on why it's not working is something I've tried doing over the last year, looking at the bigger picture in terms of what goals you set for the year. As long as you're doing everything you can to achieve them, then a few set backs here and there shouldn't matter! Injuries are a hard one because in some cases you can't control them. Firstly accepting that you can't play or train for X number of weeks and then looking at what you need to do to get back as quick as you can and making sure you do it. Like with Lec, he got told it could be 12 weeks, but he made sure he did everything he could to get it right and in six weeks he's back playing. He was obviously shattered at the start, but did what he had to do and now he's back!
Josh, do you play a musical instrument. Do any of the West Coast players play an instrument as well. Maybe you can have a jam. Tony thx
Hey Tony,
I dunno if I can say I play guitar, but I strum one haha. I like mucking around with it here and there, but Mark Nicoski and Koby Stevens play and jam a lot. They're pretty good, as well as 'lil Lewy Broome, he plays some great songs. I'd love to learn the banjo one day!
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