School is back, and so is the LeasePlan Western Bulldogs AFL Multicultural Schools Program.
School is back, and so is the LeasePlan Western Bulldogs AFL Multicultural Schools Program.
Entering its third year, the program officially kicked off on Monday with 130 students from St Albans Heights Primary taking part in football related activities aimed at introducing AFL to students from new and emerging communities.
Yesterday the program was enjoyed by 75 students at Glengala Primary School in Sunshine West while, today, 20 ESL (English as a Second Language) students from Werribee Secondary College got their first taste of AFL football through the school program.
Western Bulldogs Multicultural Development Officer Sash Herceg says the first of the school visits for 2008 provided students with a timely initiation to the AFL on the eve of the new season.
“It is great to see our program gathering momentum in its third year with a record number of schools and students set to participate in 2008,” Herceg said.
“It is absolutely paramount that we continue providing opportunities for the newly arrived migrants and refugees in the West to get involved with Australian Football, be it through direct participation as players or simply as fans of the game.”
Made possible through the support of the Western Bulldogs through community division SpiritWest Services, the AFL and the Victorian Government, in 2008 a combination of 30 primary and secondary schools will participate in the AFL Multicultural Schools Program, where it is expected to reach 1500 children and young people in the western region.
A highlight of the program this year will include some participants and their families attending two Western Bulldogs matches, with some of the children involved taking part in half time Auskick games. For many of them, this will be their first Australian rules experience.