Adelaide is celebrating its Indigenous Round this Sunday against the Brisbane Lions.

Wednesday’s training session was at Rostrevor College, which has an Indigenous Sports Academy made up of 35 boys aged between 14-18 years. Two footballers from the Academy were in the group of six talented young footballers chosen to train with the Crows at Rostrevor.

Our Indigenous Round is being supported by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) to highlight the opportunities for corporate Australia to take a leading role in closing the economic and social gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Through its education, training and employment programs and the Learn. Earn. Legend! message, DEEWR also strives to engage and assist young Indigenous people to help themselves and their community for a brighter future. Objectives of the Learn. Earn. Legend! message include:
• Encourage Indigenous children and young adults to attend school and/or further training through use of positive role models.
• Encourage parents to promote schooling, further education or training to their children.
• Educate Indigenous children and young adults about the services and programs that they can access to assist in education, training and employment.

The Rio Tinto Aboriginal Lands Challenge Cup ‘Dust til Dawn’ match between the APY Lands and Rio Tinto will be played at AAMI Stadium on Sunday as the curtain-raiser (from 9.35am). The Adelaide Crows has a formal partnership with the APY Lands and will be heavily involved in the APY Lands' preparation this week.

Before the Adelaide/Brisbane Lions clash there will be a Welcome to Country message and Aboriginal dance display from 12.15pm.