AFL Tasmania General Manager, Scott Wade, today announced that the Glenorchy Municipality has been selected as the first community in Tasmania in which a Community Club Development Program will be trialed.

In early 2001, the AFL Commission established a Review Group to assess the needs of Game Development throughout the country. In October 2001 a report titled "Investing in the future of Australian Football" (referred to as the Carter Report) was released. This report recognized that "The volunteers who run community football are really struggling"

The aims of AFL Tasmania’s Community Club Development Program are:
  • To support existing community club volunteers and to attract new volunteers to contribute to the local football club
  • To increase player participation
  • To establish partnerships and or strong links between appropriate community stakeholders, i.e. the senior football club, the junior football club, schools, local government, other community groups, other sports etc.
  • Attract new families to support the local football club
  • Develop and or retain quality facilities for football and to develop the concept of a Community Sports Club (if appropriate)
  • For the local football club to be a valued and respected community stakeholder
  • For football in the community to be a leading contributor of broader community social, welfare and youth development programs - refer below

  • AFL Tasmania has selected the Glenorchy Municipality to trial the Community Club Development Program due to concerning trends in the Municipality in respect to overall participation, particularly a drop-off in team football over the past three years.

    Scott Wade also advised that AFL Tasmania’s capacity to deliver a Community Club Development Program is a direct result of the St Kilda Football Club playing AFL games in Tasmania.

    Former AFL footballer, and current Tasmanian Devils VFL player, Jason Cripps will manage AFL Tasmania’s Community Club Development Program in Tasmania and Scott Wade stated that without St Kilda’s direct financial contribution toward Jason’s employment, AFL Tasmania would not have the resources to deliver a Community Club Development Program.

    Scott Wade commended the St Kilda Football Club, specifically CEO Brian Waldron, for supporting the development and promotion of the sport in Tasmania. He said, "Unlike other AFL Clubs the St Kilda Football Club is directly supporting the development of football in Tasmania and has demonstrated a desire to work in cooperation with AFL Tasmania to ensure the activities of the St Kilda Football Club in Tasmania are in line with the objectives of the AFL National Development Plan.”

    St Kilda CEO Brian Waldron said, "In some respects it would be relatively easy for the St Kilda Football Club to fly into Tasmania, play a few games, talk the talk and fly home again. However, our Club, through Jason Cripps is committed to work with the AFL and AFL Tasmania to ensure the St Kilda Football Club adds real value to the development and promotion of our great game in Tasmania. In addition we hope to play a leading role in generating Government support for the Building Tasmania Communities Program which we have developed in conjunction with a number of other partners, including AFL Tasmania (refer Jason Cripps).

    The St Kilda Football Club is aware of the strong football culture in the Glenorchy Municipality and hopes to play a leading role supporting the development of the game in the district over the next few years. In addition, we expect that our players will be involved in broader community related matters within the Glenorchy and other municipalities around Tasmania as we strengthen our relationship with Tasmania."

    The first step in the Community Club Development Program will be for Jason Cripps and other AFL Tasmania staff members to meet with representatives of the Glenorchy and Claremont senior and junior football clubs to begin the process of developing and implementing a Club Development Plan for each club - under the guidelines and resources of the AFL Club Administration Program.

    A Community Club Development Plan will address subjects such as:
  • Volunteer Management
  • Financial Management
  • Risk Management
  • Junior Development
  • Community Partnerships

    AFL Tasmania will also work with the Glenorchy Council and other community leaders to establish a steering committee to oversee the program in the Municipality.

    Jason Cripps advised that he was looking forward, after a long career as an AFL player, to working with local community football administrators, coaches and volunteers in an endeavour to develop football at grassroots level.

    In addition, Jason provided a brief overview of the Building Tasmanian Communities Program.

    Mayor of Glenorchy, Alderman Terry Martin welcomed the decision to launch the pilot program in Glenorchy.

    "This fits well with Glenorchy’s Community Plan which aims to encourage a wide range of activities for youths, including greater participation in sports, and a partnership approach to finding solutions to local problems," Alderman Martin said.

    Alderman Martin said that anything that encouraged greater participation in sports would benefit the health and wellbeing of youths.

    "This also fits very well with our approach of involving families and whole communities in activities," Alderman Martin said.

    Glenorchy would do all it could make the program a success.

    For more information please contact the club on 9559 6688 or AFL Tasmania on 62301800