Extended highlights of the Bombers and Giants VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Bullants VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Borough VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Bulldogs VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Zebras VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Lions VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Seagulls VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Tigers VFL clash in round one
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Cats VFL clash in round one
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Enjoy Chris Burgess' standout VFL performance for the Suns
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Bombers VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Swans VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Cats VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Magpies VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Blues VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Tigers VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Sharks VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Seagulls VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Lions VFL clash in round two
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Hawks VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Dolphins VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Bombers VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Suns VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Bulldogs VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Tigers VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Giants VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Borough VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Blues VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Magpies VFL clash in round three
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Demons VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Dolphins VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Magpies VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Lions VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Bullants VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Cats VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Roos VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Sharks VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Tigers VFL clash in round four
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Borough VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Seagulls VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Tigers VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Roos VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Swans VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Bombers VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Lions VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Zebras VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Sharks VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Lions VFL clash in round five
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Demons VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Giants VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Cats VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Suns VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Blues VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Bullants VFL clash in round six
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Tigers VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Zebras VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Sharks VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Magpies VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Hawks VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Bulldogs VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Demons VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Swans VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Lions VFL clash in round seven
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Borough VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Tigers VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Bombers VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Giants VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Bullants VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Dolpins VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Suns VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Cats VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Sagulls VFL clash in round eight
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Hawks VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Borough VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Roos VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Lions VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Lions VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Bulldogs VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Demons VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Blues VFL clash in round ten
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Magpies VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Roos VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Tigers VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Cats VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Seagulls VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Dolphins VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Tigers VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Demons VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Suns VFL clash in round eleven
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Bombers VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Tigers VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Magpies VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Giants VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Bullants VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Bulldogs VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Lions VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Borough VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Zebras VFL clash in round twelve
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Roos VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Bulldogs VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Blues VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Zebras VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Sharks VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Swans VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Dolphins VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Suns VFL clash in round thirteen
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Bombers VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Hawks VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Lions VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Lions VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Swans VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Demons VFL clash in round fourteen
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Seagulls VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Giants VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Magpies VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Lions VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Borough VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Bullants VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Zebras VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Cats VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Tigers VFL clash in round fifteen
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Roos VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Demons VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Sharks VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Tigers VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Blues VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Hawks VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Lions VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Dolphins VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Magpies VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Swans VFL clash in round sixteen
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Bombers VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Giants VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Hawks VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Bullants VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Tigers VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Bulldogs VFL clash in round seventeen
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Zebras VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Suns VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Bulldogs VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Demons VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Dolphins VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Borough VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Cats VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Hawks VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Bombers VFL clash in round eighteen
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Swans VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Roos and Tigers VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Seagulls VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Bullants VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Sharks VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Zebras VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Blues VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Lions VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Lions VFL clash in round nineteen
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Bullants VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Magpies VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Tigers VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Giants and Swans VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Roos VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Sharks and Bombers VFL clash in round twenty
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Extended highlights of the Blues and Demons VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Bulldogs VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Borough and Tigers VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Dolphins VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Bullants and Giants VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Cats VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Seagulls VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Suns VFL clash in round twenty-one
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Extended highlights of the Zebras and Seagulls VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Swans and Tigers VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Lions VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Roos VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Bombers and Lions VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Sharks VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Cats and Giants VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Borough VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Blues VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Dolphins and Hawks VFL clash in round twenty-two
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Extended highlights of the Demons and Roos VFL clash in the wildcard round
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Extended highlights of the Magpies and Tigers VFL clash in the wildcard round
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Lions VFL clash in the qualifying finals
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Extended highlights of the Seagulls and Magpies VFL clash in the elimination finals
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Hawks VFL clash in the qualifying finals
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Extended highlights of the Bulldogs and Demons VFL clash in the elimination finals
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Extended highlights of the Lions and Seagulls VFL clash in the semi-finals
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Extended highlights of the Hawks and Bulldogs VFL clash in the semi-finals
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Hawks VFL clash in the preliminary finals
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Extended highlights of the Tigers and Lions VFL clash in the preliminary finals
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Extended highlights of the Suns and Tigers VFL clash in the Grand Final