Manager says Dons star didn't take part in the club's injections program
AHEAD of ex-Essendon fitness boss Dean Robinson's tell-all television interview on Wednesday night, it has been revealed that midfielder David Zaharakis chose not to take part in the club's controversial injections program.
Before the interview went to air on Channel Seven at 8.45pm, the network's news service reported that one of Robinson's revelations was that Zaharakis was the only player not to participate.
Zaharakis' manager Scott Lucas confirmed the report on Wednesday evening, telling radio station SEN 1116 his client, "basically, doesn't like needles".
Lucas said Zaharakis' refusal to be injected had removed concern over a possible penalty should ASADA rule that the substances injected as part of the program were indeed banned.
"It makes things a bit easier," Lucas said.
"It has been a different conversation with David from us to him as a result of that.
"When there's been talk of potential penalties [to players], the very essence of that is that it doesn't apply to David."
The Bombers stood Robinson down in February, around the same time the club reported itself to the AFL and ASADA, triggering an investigation.
Robinson tendered his resignation from the club last Friday.
Wednesday night's interview was the first time he has spoken publicly since news of the scandal broke.