JACK Ziebell has downplayed speculation he will replace Andrew Swallow as North Melbourne captain next season, saying he sees no reason for a leadership change.

Swallow has led North for the past four seasons, taking the club into the finals in three of those years, including the past two. 

But with the West Australian set to turn 29 next June, some commentators feel the time is right for him to hand over the reins to vice-captain Ziebell, a natural leader on and off the field.

Like most clubs, North has yet to confirm its skipper for next season, and won't do so until it finalises its 2016 leadership group shortly before the start of the NAB Challenge in February.

Ziebell told Radio Sport National on Wednesday he didn't anticipate North would make a leadership change then.

"I haven't spoken to the coach (Brad Scott) or anyone about that. There are a few rumours but I think our skipper at the minute, Andrew Swallow, is doing an outstanding job and I don't think there's any reason why that will change," Ziebell said.

The inside midfielder, who will turn 25 in February, said it would be "an outstanding honour" to captain North one day, but reiterated his belief that Swallow would continue as skipper in 2016.

Asked whether he was ready to assume the captaincy next season if called upon, Ziebell, who has shared North's vice-captaincy with Drew Petrie for the past four seasons, said he hadn't "really thought about it a whole lot".

"I've just been concentrating the last few years on my performance and developing as a leader and we've got some great leaders at our footy club that have been helping me develop," he said.

"If it did come my way it would be an outstanding honour, but at the same time I'm not seeking it out or anything like that.

"So what will be will be."